“docker retrying in 1 second”这一消息通常出现在Docker执行某些操作时,如拉取镜像、启动容器等,由于某些原因操作未能立即成功,Docker决定在1秒后重试该操作。这通常意味着Docker正在尝试自动恢复或完成某个被中断的任务。 2. 分析可能导致Docker重试的原因 Docker重试操作可能由多种原因引起,包括但不限于: 网络问题...
1. 登录Docker Hub #在终端中执行以下命令,输入Docker Hub的用户名和密码进行登录docker login 1. 2. 2. 构建镜像 #在包含Dockerfile的目录下执行以下命令,构建镜像docker build -t image_name . 1. 2. 3. 打标签 #执行以下命令,为镜像打上标签,替换image_name和tag为实际值docker tag image_name username...
清除Docker 缓存 5. 重新尝试拉取 解决了可能的问题后,再次尝试拉取 Nginx 镜像: dockerpull nginx 1. 状态图 以下是使用 Mermaid 语法的状态图,展示了 Docker 拉取镜像的过程: 检查Docker 服务是否运行尝试拉取 Nginx 镜像遇到 "Retrying in 1 second" 错误解决问题后重新尝试拉取检查Docker状态拉取镜像处理错误...
]# docker push The push refers to a repository [] 9ec45e5f0334: Retryingin1 second 33f1a94ed7fc: Retryingin1 second b27287a6dbce: Retryingin1 second 47c2386f248c: Retryingin1 second 2be95f0d8a0c: Retryingin1 second 2df9b8def18a: ...
docker push harbor 反复Retrying in XXX second 修改 common/config/registry/config.yml 1 2 http: relativeurls:true 重启harbor 1 2 docker-compose down docker-compose up-d
Running the last command from that readme produces:Still waiting to connect to Chromium, retrying in 1 second I had my peer do these same steps on his machine and it produced the same result. It is unclear to me whether this is a Cypress, Chromium, or Cypress Docker issue. ...
MacbookdeMacBook:~ macbook$ docker push The push refers to repository [] f8d2b3161911: Retrying in 1 second 4fbf445e0074: Retrying in 1 second 9c147c576d67: Retrying in 1 second 685f72a7cd4f: Retrying in 1 ...
New issue Closed ccnupqwants to merge2commits intogoharbor:masterfromccnupq:master Conversation4Commits2Checks0Files changed ccnupqcommentedAug 16, 2017 Please check details in #3062 reasonerjtrequested a review fromyixingjiaAugust 16, 2017 11:05 ...
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure # configures the configuration version (we support older styles for # backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what # you're doing. Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| ...
make the machine appear as another physical device on# your network.# config.vm.network "public_network"# Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is# the path on the host to the actual folder. The second argument is# the path on the guest to mount the folder. ...