是一种基于Spring Kafka的消息重试机制。它允许在消息发送或消费过程中发生错误时,自动进行多次尝试,以提高消息的可靠性和稳定性。 RetryableTopic的主要特点和优势包括: 1. 可...
如果在处理 Kafka 消息时出现错误,可以使用 RetryableTopic 注解以一定的时间间隔和一定的次数再次处理消息。如果完成尝试次数后错误仍然存在,则消息将发送到 DLT 队列。 如何使用? 我们首先回顾一下RetryableTopic注解可以取的一些值,以便您可以做出最适合您的设置: attempts:尝试处理消息的次数。它的默认值为 3。如果...
4. Retry Topic + DLT 使用 可以通过注解和全局配置的方式开启 Retry Topic 功能 4.1. @RetryableTopic 使用注解的方式启用 Retry Topic,在 @KafkaListener 方法上添加 @RetryableTopic 即可 @Slf4j @Component public class SimpleConsumer { @RetryableTopic() @KafkaListener(topics = "test_topic", groupId ...
See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69830692/spring-kafka-retryabletopic-causes-recordtoolargeexception Since RecordHeaders can have multiple instances of the same Header, this can cause a linear growth in the record size, with many retries. 👍 2 ...
I am using spring-kafka RetryableTopic for non-blocking retries with a fixed BackOff and a single retry topic (https://docs.spring.io/spring-kafka/reference/html/#single-topic-fixed-delay-retries) I noticed that I get RecordTooLargeException when retry-attempt is relatively high, and while ...
In what version(s) of Spring for Apache Kafka are you seeing this issue? 3.2.0 Describe the bug When using the @RetryableTopic annotation on a Listener that returns a CompletableFuture, no retry or dlt events are sent when the CompletableFuture completes with an exception. To Reproduce @Ret...
@RetryableTopic( attempts = "3", backoff = @Backoff(delay = 3000, multiplier = 2.0), topicSuffixingStrategy = TopicSuffixingStrategy.SUFFIX_WITH_DELAY_VALUE, kafkaTemplate = "dltKafkaTemplate", listenerContainerFactory = "retryEventListenerFactory", exclude = { DeserializationException.class, Ser...
原因码记录了环境设置中的特定错误。 在更正环境错误后,可以在不更改客户机程序的情况下重新发出该命令。 响应 RETRYABLE 的原因码为 201 (NO_CICS_IRC_STARTED) , 202 (NO_PIPE) , 203 (NO_CICS) , 204 (WRONG_MVS_FOR_RRMS) 和 205 (RRMS_NOT_AVAILABLE)。
A server communication retryable authentication exception was detected. The request will automatically be retried. request ExplanationAn authentication failure occurred when a message was sent to a remote Content Platform Engine (CPE) server. If the failure was due to a difference in the host clocks...