Define retroflex. retroflex synonyms, retroflex pronunciation, retroflex translation, English dictionary definition of retroflex. adj. also ret·ro·flexed 1. Bent, curved, or turned backward. 2. Pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back against
The use of retroflex flap among children aged 12-16 in OsloTanner, G A
retroflex consonant Retroflex voiced retroflex flap Retroflexe flap voiced retroflex sibilant Stemhebbende retroflexe fricatief voiced retroflex approximant Retroflexe approximant voiceless retroflex stop Stemloze retroflexe plosief voiced retroflex affricate Stemhebbende retroflexe affricaat voiceless ...
voiced retroflex flap そり舌はじき音 voiced retroflex sibilant 有声そり舌摩擦音 voiced retroflex approximant そり舌接近音 voiceless retroflex stop 無声そり舌破裂音 voiced retroflex affricate 有声そり舌破擦音 voiced retroflex implosive そり舌入破音 更多(+6) 添加...
ɺ̡ retroflex lateral flap Pashto ﻛړو [kɺ̡o] to do ǃ˞ (voiced) retroflex click Central Juu — [ɡǃ˞ú] waterNote: In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the symbols for retroflex consonants are typically the same as for the alveolar consonants, but with the addi...
更多“RP has two allophonic variants of /r/. One is retroflex [r], and the other is tapor flap [ɾ]. In the…”相关的问题 第1题 Daily changes in the weather affect all of us, no matter what our job or profession. However,【B1】there's very little we can do to modify the ...
A flap (kind of like Japanese r) is acceptable in Italian I think, I don't know about Russian. Anyway, you could start from a dental (like d in 的) and teach him to vibrate the tip of the tongue. Quote Please explain the terminology used for the Chinese "R" used in initials ("...
The Efficacy of an Endoscopic Grasp-and-Traction Device for Gastric Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: An Ex Vivo Comparative Study (with Video) To investigate whether the EndoLifter (Olympus), a counter-traction device facilitating submucosal dissection, can accelerate endoscopic submucosal dissect......
Some remarks on the phonological status of retroflex flap in Eastern NorwegianFaarlund, Jan TerjeFaarlund, Jan Terje (1974). Some remarks on the phonological status of retroflex flap in Eastern Norwegian. Oslo Working Papers in Linguistics 6. 1-6....