1)运行RetroBat\BatGui.exe 默认启动界面 2)在底部横向菜单中,切换到System选项卡; 3)在左边竖向选单中选择ps3,点击Extensions旁边的“+”按钮,增加自己喜欢的扩展名,建议“.ps3”,最后点击“Save cfg file”完成设置。 4)给RetroBat\roms\ps3文件夹里ps3游戏文件夹,加上第3步增加的扩展名,此处以“.ps3”...
闲来无事时整合的retrobat展示一下!#win前端#retrobat#switch游戏#游戏模拟器#ps3游戏 - 大黑粉于20221201发布在抖音,已经收获了3801个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
2752 -- 2:23 App RetroBat添加Windows游戏 1500 -- 1:49 App RetroBat添加PGM、FC Hack、MD Hack等自定义机种(System) 3899 58 5:51 App Retrobat\Batocera 16T 中文重置版本更新 7687 3 4:30 App PRCS3高清滤镜、龙神、柚子模拟整合包以及最新开发版更新(含模拟器全汉化) 1982 1 4:44 App 抖茵几...
🎊Pre-installed 50+ emulators, suitable for PS3/PS2/PS1/SWITCH/WII/WIIU/Gamecube, etc.🎊 Compatible with multiple device types (applicable to all-in-one computers, laptops, desktop computers, Win handheld computers)🎊Support Windows8.1/10/11🎊 SATA 3.0 to USB 3.0, up to 6GB/S, 128...
然后来到RetroBat 4.02\roms\ps3 目录下后 新建一个txt文件后打开文件,在里面输入\dev_hdd0\disc\Street Fighter III Third Strike\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\EBOOT.BIN 保存,然后把文件后缀改成M3U格式后在改名游戏名称,Street Fighter III Third Strike.m3u 前端就能识别到游戏了,另外对WIN7 好像支持的不好。
核心:-为Daphne和ActionMax添加SINGE2模拟器(SINGE游戏)—Jgenesis:使用-cli executable代替-gui更新:duckstation, Jgenesis修复:修复“object reference not set to a instance of a object”错误修复丢失的“reminiscence”和“devilutionx”文件夹修复RetroArch 'video_swap_interval'的默认值(从0改为1)—删除ps3...
🎊Pre-installed 50+ emulators, suitable for PS3/PS2/PS1/SWITCH/WII/WIIU/Gamecube, etc.🎊 Compatible with multiple device types (applicable to all-in-one computers, laptops, desktop computers, Win handheld computers)🎊Support Windows8.1/10/11🎊 SATA 3.0 to USB 3.0, up to 6GB/S, 128...
Whether you're a fan of PS3/PS2, Switch, DC, WII, WIIU, NES, or MAME emulators, this gaming HDD has got you covered. With 128MB cache and a speed of up to 5400RPM, enjoy seamless gameplay on your 64 Bit Windows 8.1/10/11 PC/Laptop. **Versatility Meets Ease of Use** Designed...
Multi-System Compatibility:Supports 39 emulators for PS4/PS3/PS2/PS1/SWITCH/N64/DC/WIIU, making it a versatile gaming HDD. 17000+Games:Pre-loaded with 17000+ games, including AAA, retro, and 3D titles, ensuring endless entertainment. Plug and Play:100% plug and play design allows for easy...