–Fix monitor index / bezels for pcsx2-QT (tentative, might not be completely solved yet) –Fix missing ‘disableautocontrollers’ option for Supermodel (model3) –Removed non-working .zip & .7z extensions from gba2players system –Fix NEOCD default BIOS (CD-Z instead of UNIVERSE BIOS), ...
RetroBat\emulationstation\es_features.locale\zh_CN 2、mame.ini 选项文件,Mame按Tab键,中文界面;所在路径:RetroBat\bios\mame\ini 3、plugin.ini 插件选项(含连发)文件,全部开启;所在路径:RetroBat\bios\mame\ini 4、cheat.zip Mame所需要的作弊文件(不要解压);所在路径:RetroBat\cheats\mame 5、custom8.cfg ...
- PCSX2 : add per game memory card option - PCSX2 : add .m3u support (RetroBat will launch the file specified in first line of .m3u file) - Add squashfs support to some emulators (dolphin, citra, lime3ds, duckstation, bigpemu, ppsspp) - Add Retroarch turbo feature to few cores - M...
to 0.65 - Bump Duckstation to 0.1.6937.0 - Bump PCSX2 to 2.0.2 - Bump Dolphin to 2407 - Bump Mupen64 (RMG) to 0.6.5 - Bump Xenia & Xenia-Canary - Bump Flycast to 2.3.2-157 Fixes: - Fix potential null pointer in libretro guns autoconfiguration - Fix EKA2L1 controller index assignm...
RetroBat\emulationstation\es_features.locale\zh_CN 2、mame.ini 选项文件,Mame按Tab键,中文界面;所在路径:RetroBat\bios\mame\ini 3、plugin.ini 插件选项(含连发)文件,全部开启;所在路径:RetroBat\bios\mame\ini 4、cheat.zip Mame所需要的作弊文件(不要解压);所在路径:RetroBat\cheats\mame 5、custom8.cfg ...