使用方法:1. 把retroarch跟wiiu这2个文件夹复制到SD卡根目录2. 如果需要前端就把全能模拟器安装包里面install文件夹复制到SD卡根目录,在wiiu界面进入haxchi破解应用选择0005000010102172安装,跟游戏安装方法一样3.建议在Homebrew进入全能模拟器,前端进入有黑屏概率。 送TA礼物 1楼2024-08-29 13:50回复 ...
① 打开 Reshade 软件 :② 点击 "Select game to install to or uninstall from" 区域 , 选择逃离塔科夫游戏根目录下的游戏图标 :③ 选择完游戏图标后 , 点击 OpenGL 前的单选按钮 ;④ 弹出的对话框 , 点击 否 就是卸载 Reshade , 这里我们选择 否 , 即卸载 Reshade ;⑤ 卸载完成后 , 会...
使用ubuntu编译项目需要一些库然后默认我就是installsudo apt install libreadline-dev意思就是该库有其他依赖包需要一起更新,就是依赖旧了而你下的新的需要新的依赖,很坑你再继续把旧的依赖更新之后,又一层套一层的说又有其他依赖要一起更新。坑点。问题肯定不是这样解决的ubuntu还提示你使用sudo apt --fix-bro...
RetroArch WiiU adds a new option (Settings -> Video -> Output -> Optimize for GamePad). When enabled, it uses a 960p viewport if the user is on either 720p or 1080p (if they’re on 480p, they’re already optimized for GamePad). It defaults to off, so the native TV resolution i...
RetroArch 是一个功能强大的游戏模拟器,其设计目标是提供一种简单、统一的方式来运行各种经典游戏。它支持在多个平台上运行,包括 Windows、Mac OS X、Linux、Android、iOS,以及游戏控制台如 PS3、PSP、PS Vita、Wii、Wii U 等。 RetroArch 集成了多个游戏模拟器的核心,如 FC 的 Nestopia UE、MD 的 Genesis Plu...
Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API. Licensed GPLv3. - RetroArch/Makefile.wiiu at master · kwccoin/RetroArch
wiiu Buildfix Nov 22, 2022 .editorconfig HTTPS link to EditorConfig.org Jul 6, 2021 .gitignore (Wayland) Build pointer-constraints and relative-pointer protocols (l… Mar 10, 2023 .gitlab-ci.yml Use same Xcode project for iOS as is used for packaging (take 2) (lib… Mar 22, 2023 ....
WIIU: Add option for running without core info (emscripten-style) What’s next It has been often requested during our project’s history, but yes, we finally want to do something on the UI/UX front. We have been considering introducing an ‘Easy Mode’ that should aim at making things ...
Install it. I'm going to assume you already have some familiarity with using file manager apps. If you don't have one installed, I recommend using Astro File Manager. For this tutorial, I'm using Final Fantasy 7; which I placed in a dedicated folder . Optional: To save you from ...
wiiu-devel.properties.template Implement UDP broadcast network logging on Wii U 7年前 README GPL-3.0 RetroArch libretro Binaries Support Documentation Related projects Philosophy Platforms Dependencies (PC) Dependencies (Console ports, mobile)