Nintendo Switch Arcade Archives TECMO BOWL 1/30/20 Regular Price:$7.99 Nintendo Switch Super Arcade Soccer 5/31/19 Regular Price:$6.99 Nintendo Switch WARNING: If you have epilepsy or have had seizures or other unusual reactions to flashing lights or patterns, consult a doctor before playing...
Can you make it as a Head Coach in the real NFL? Can you pass the ultimate test of your skills and battle your way to Super Bowl glory? DOWNLOAD NOW LIKE THE GAME? BUY THE MERCH! From the official shop of @PIXELNFL, the artist behind the unique retro style of RETRO BOWL...
The official spin-off of the smash hit "Retro Bowl" takes you back to the old-school. Make a name for yourself as a winning Head Coach for one of 250 College teams.
Retro Bowl - Retro Bowl is the perfect game for the armchair quarterback to finally prove a point. Presente... Play Retro Bowl
分类:体育竞技 大小:18.0M 语言:中文 版本:v1.4.96 安卓版 时间:2021-12-01 14:40 星级: 官网:暂无 厂商: 平台:Android 标签:竞技体育手游复古游戏画风,经典橄榄球游戏。应用截图应用介绍 复古橄榄球是一款关于橄榄球的体育竞技手游,而且游戏画风比较复古,也证明该游戏的经典属性,没有现在这些游戏的花里胡哨,快...
Retro Bowl is an American football game in retro style where your purpose is to coach your team and win a prize at the end of each season. Signing and cutting players is your duty as a manager. NFL is a complex league, so it’s quite hard to get success in each season, especially ...
RETRO GOAL is a fast and exciting mix of arcade Soccer action and simple team management, from the developers of hit sports games NEW STAR MANAGER and RETRO BOWL. Choose a team from the world's favourite leagues and recruit the superstars, professionals and hotheads who will lead you to vic...
Retro Bowl is the perfect game for the armchair quarterback to finally prove a point. Presented in a glorious retro style, the game has simple roster management, including press duties and the handling of fragile egos, while on the field you get to call the shots. Can you pass the grade ...
Retro Bowl像素橄榄球是扶手椅四分卫的完美游戏,最终证明了自己的观点。游戏以华丽的复古风格呈现,具有简单的花名册管理,包括新闻职责和处理脆弱的自我,而在球场上你可以做主。您能通过成绩并带领您的团队一路获得终极大奖吗?你能赢得复古碗吗? 游戏特色
Retro Bowl 复古碗Retro Bowl New Star Games 2020-01-17 8.4- . - 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分 8.4 评论数不足 - . - 复古碗是一款美式橄榄球模拟游戏,采用了旧时像素视频游戏的风格。扮演 32 支球队之一,做出人员决定并参加比赛,试图在赛季末赢得复古杯。