Retro Bowl is the perfect game for the armchair quarterback to finally prove a point. Presented in a glorious retro style, the game has simple roster management, including press duties and the handling of fragile egos, while on the field you get to call the shots. Can you pass the grade ...
Store Games Retro Bowl Nintendo Switch This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. Play football like it's 1987! Retro Bowl is the perfect game for the armchair quarterback to finally prove a point. Presented in a glorious retro style, the game has simple roster manage...
Retro Bowl复古碗破解版最新版是一款好玩的橄榄球游戏,此版本为大家带来的是无限金币解锁版,小编亲测可用,游戏2D像素风格呈现,拥有丰富的关卡挑战,操作简单易上手,带给玩家精彩的游戏体验。 无限金钱 选择一个有很多钱的可用配置文件 游戏亮点 1.游戏以及其华丽的复古风格呈现,并且拥有经典游戏玩法 2.这项运动是一项...
Retro Bowl is an American football game. Join the game, players will come to the top rugby matches and you will be the coach to lead your team to victory.
1.Retro Bowl具有很经典的游戏玩法,模拟了真实的撖榄球比赛 2.虽然它不是一个花哨的3D模型,但它非常棒,还原比赛规则 3.2D视觉风格,从颜色到场上小球员的造型等,全都非常特别 游戏亮点 1.Retro Bowl的比赛主要规则也是典型的美式橄榄球规则 2.主要目标是在比赛的规定时间内获得比对手更多的分数 ...
Star2 Retro Bowl is an American football game in retro style where your purpose is to coach your team and win a prize at the end of each season. Signing and cutting players is your duty as a manager. NFL is a complex league, so it’s quite hard to get success in each season, espe...
Retro Bowl 2/10/22 Regular Price:$6.49 Nintendo Switch SEGA AGES Out Run 1/10/19 Regular Price:$10.49 Nintendo Switch Streets of Rage 4 4/30/20 Regular Price:$31.49 Nintendo Switch Mortal Kombat 11 4/23/19 Regular Price:$69.99 Nintendo Switch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowab...
就像【MONOPOLY GO!】自带大富翁光环,手游【Retro Bowl College】顺其自然地蹭上了橄榄球的热度。 2、游戏本身质量过硬 早在两年前,就有外国网友问出了与现在人相同的问题,即【Retro Bowl】/【Retro Bowl College】为什么这么受欢迎? 翻译: "有人可以解释为什么Retro Bowl突然这么受欢迎吗?它是在PS4上发布了吗,...
复古碗Retro Bowl New Star Games 2020-01-17 8.4- . - 简介 开发/发行 链接 媒体评分 8.4 评论数不足 - . - 复古碗是一款美式橄榄球模拟游戏,采用了旧时像素视频游戏的风格。扮演 32 支球队之一,做出人员决定并参加比赛,试图在赛季末赢得复古杯。
An overall enjoyable, authentic experience for both the longtime football gamer and new one whether it's on iOS, Android, or now on the Switch. The satisfying gameplay with Switch controls combined with the off-field strategy essentially makes Retro Bowl a 2-in-1 package even with the lack ...