原因: 1.首先排查下 tnsname.ora 文件,是否配置正确。 1 find / -name tnsnames.ora 2>/dev/null 2.然后排查下是否使用了该目录下的 tnsname.ora 我犯得错误,就是在低版本配置了tnsname.ora,却用了高版本的动态库。 解决办法: 改成一致即可。
问题:使用cx_Oracle连接oracle时报错cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804 sample code: import cx_Oracle conn = cx_Oracle.connect(user,pwd, self.ois_tns) 解…
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: Errorwhiletryingtoretrievetextforerror ORA-01804 解决步骤: 1. ORACLE_HOME and PATH already set. pls refer tohttps://www.cnblogs.com/tingxin/p/12676580.html 2. copy oracle 服务器上ORALCE_HOME/oracore 文件夹到win10 ORACLE_HOME 文件夹. selectvalue$ "Time Zone Versio...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've looked at these question, but although similar I couldn't troubleshoot my problem with them: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019 Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804 Cheers. node.js oracle Thanks to @evenro...
Replicats are getting abended due to the below error.2022-06-10 09:42:18 ERROR OGG-02615 Login to the database as user <USER> failed because of error Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804.Source Context : SourceModule : [ggdb.ora.ocicpp.env] SourceID : [ggdbora/oci...
解决方法:cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804 python用cx_Oracle包连接oracle数据库出现该报错。 问题原因: 之前装了oracle和instanceOracle,配置环境变量时,把oracle的放在了最上面,导致cx_Oracle优先找oracle的位置,... ...
终于解决了Linux下运行OCCI程序一直报Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804错误 http://blog.csdn.net/zklth/article/details/7184032 Linux下 和 Windows 下 Oracle Instant Client 的安装. http://fableking.iteye.com/blog/2115724 ...