retrieval model和language model独立训练 Language model 对于LM,需要通过最小化−logPLM(y|x) 进行模型训练 Retrieval model 对于retrieval model,有如下几类方法: Sparse retrieval models:TF-IDF/BM25 Dense retrieval models Independent training [2004.04906] Dense Passage Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answe...
本文没有 Draft Model,而是使用现成的数据库替代 Draft Model 的输出。具体分为三步: 在文档中寻找最长匹配后缀。 将检索到的这些条目构建为字典树。用条目出现频率设置为字典树中结点的权重。 使用类似于 SpecInfer 和 Medusa 的方法构建 Tree-based Attention,尔后进行 verify。 实验部分,HumanEval 数据集上用的...
and modular architecture and independent of the domain ontology,supports domain ontology evolution and several image retrieval methods in different depth of reasoning.The running results of a experimental system based on ImageQ show that the model well performed in image management and intelligent ...
3D object retrieval based on Spatial+LDA model Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is one popular topic extraction method, which has been applied in many applications such as textual retrieval, user recom... W Nie,X Li,A Liu,... - 《Multimedia Tools & Applications》 被引量: 2发表: 2017年...
受 model-based IR 新范式的启发,我们提出将所有的语料库知识编码到一个统一的模型中,以生成的方式为 claim 检索相关文档和 evidence,不仅显著降低了内存开销和检索时间,且可以为每个 claim 动态地选择一组精准的相关 evidence,有效提升检...
🔗 RVC-Project项目可以用更少的素材和训练步数达到一个不错的音色还原度,而且实时转换的效率也比较高,如果是想要作为变声器使用的话,更推荐使用这个项目。 ▍开源模型社区 大家如果没法自己训练模型但是又想体验的话,其实有一个最简单的办...
使用信息论相关的度量来特征化3D模型的采样视图的视觉信息特征被认为是一个有效的方法,因此对于3D形状复杂度的测量也是有用的。Vazquez等提出视点熵来描绘一个视图包含的信息的数目,基于此,他们开发了自动找到视点熵值较大的视图集合的方法。 3视点熵分布-基于视图聚类 ...
In this paper, we review recent various methods of content based 3D model retrieval, and propose a taxonomy for these methods. We also evaluate several requirements for 3D shape representation: (1) model file requirements, (2) necessity of pose normalization, (3) robustness, (4) sensitivity, ...
This chapter provides a comprehensive review of the past decade of research on retrieval-based learning. It describes common approaches used to study retrieval practice and outlines theoretical accounts of retrieval-based learning. This chapter reviews research that has manipulated initial retrieval practice...
之前聊过工业界常用的EBR(Embedding-based Retrieval),这个方法和DPR其实是完全一样的方法,也都发表在2020年。不同的是,EBR是Facebook在工业界大量实践的纯技术报告,而DPR是Facebook联合丹琦等学术巨擘进一步拓展的学术报告,更formal地定义了EBR的创新:用稠密向量取代稀疏向量。