No matter what your retirement ideas may be, Beauty Point Retirement Resort has the perfect combination of lifestyle and sense of security you're looking…
ASX-listed financial services company:advising on the establishment of a joint venture arrangement with Meridien Retirement Living to acquire a 50% interest in a portfolio of retirement villages located in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia. ...
We look forward to catching up with you both in the new year in Sydney. Rosi & Adriano spend the summer here and Rosi has a horse riding business in Lucca. They are regularly at morning coffee and we have really enjoyed our time with them. It was so great to meet you Paul & Karen...
I've never been to New Zealand even though I lived in Sydney. Is it pretty? QUINT: Very much so. I haven't spent much time in Australia, but I spent a day in Sydney last year. I liked it, but there's nothing that compares to the atmosphere here. Everybody's just so laid back...
so the next morning we were eager to have a break: adriving tour to Oxford and the Cotswolds. This full-day tour for 16 guests (in an air-conditioned mini-bus!) involved a lot of driving, with lovely scenery. We visited two Cotswold villages, both quaint and beautiful, but also hot ...