1961 Douglas Grundy // Getty Images 1961 - Absolute gas price: $0.32- Inflation-adjusted price: $2.76 (#36 most expensive year in 84-year span) In January 1961, John F. Kennedy took office as the 35th president of the United States. This marked the tail-end of a short recession, whic...
Those are big hits for taking the benefit a few years earlier. For example, if you were born in 1961 and file for benefits at age 62, your monthly benefit will be 30 percent less than if you had filed at your full retirement age of 67. ...
If frozen plans were supplemented with new or enhanced defined contribution (DC) retirement plans, there would be more losers than winners, and average family incomes would decline. The decline in family income would be much larger for last-wave boomers born from 1961 through 1965 than for ...
If the travel bug gets the best of you in retirement, you may want to stay close to home and discover your own state or province, or you may want to venture to foreign lands. You may even want to get intowriting and self-publishingabout your travel experiences. Four ofFourteen Important...
Early-life developmental adaptations in response to severe malnutrition may play a crucial role in susceptibility to hypertension. This study aimed to explore the associations between exposure to the Chinese famine (1959–1961) at fetal, infant and presc
If Miss Hepburn sometimes found herself in Cinderella roles, the shoe fit. The sickly, scrawny teen-ager who suffered from malnutrition during World War II in Nazi-occupied Holland emerged in the 1950s as one of Hollywood’s premier leading ladies, known for a persona that somehow blended slee...
born1941–45),28percentofmiddleboomers (born1951–55),and22percentoflateboomers(born 1961–65)willseetheirage-67retirementincomesfallat least10percentbelowtheamountstheywouldhave receivedifthestockmarkethadnotcrashed(seebaseline noretirementdelayprojectionsinfigure1).Middle boomerswilllosethemostbecausein...
There is a less elaborate structure of party control in the Senate; the position taken by influential senators may be more significant than the position (if any) taken by the party. Get Unlimited Access Try Britannica Premium for free and discover more. Subscribe The constitutional provisions ...