Increase In Retirement Age For NHS Staff Unacceptable, BMA Says, UK
The involvement of occupational health services prior to ill-health retirement in NHS staff in Scotland and predictors of re-employment OBJECTIVE: To assess the process, causes and outcomes of retirement because of ill-health in NHS staff in Scotland. Particular areas to be investigated inc... B...
Return to work after ill-health retirement in Scottish NHS staff and teachers. BACKGROUND: Most major public and private sector pension schemes have provision for ill-health retirement (IHR) for those who become too ill to continue to... Brown,Gilmour,Macdonald - 《Occupational Medicine》 被引...
Of these, four did not complete any question and seven were ineligible (not in age range (n = 2); not GMC registered (n = 5)), representing a 27.4% response rate (788/2878). Of these, 538 respondents had not yet drawn a pension and were eligible for inclusion. GPs mean age was ...
My forray back to ballet continues. One of the grandchildren snuggled up to me a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about my ballet class. She took my hand and gazed up at my face. ‘Are they kind to you Nanny?’ Just about sums it up really. BMI = overweight. Age = Late mi...
Discusses the proposal of the government to raise the retirement age for Great Britain's National Health Service (NHS) staff. Other proposals of the government on NHS pension scheme; Argument of the Royal College of Nursing and Unison against the proposals; Effect of the proposals on recruitment...
Turnover, age and length of service: a comparison of nurses and other staff in the National Health Service Using information collected from more than 100 district health authorities in England for the year 1989鈥 1990, this paper examines turnover rates amongst a range of nursing and other staf...
The scheme gives the employees of the trust an option to work part time, full time or for limited periods after they reach the retirement age of 65. An official of the company explains that the scheme enables them to retain the skills of staff and arrange for the proper transfer of ...
NHS Staff Timebomb as One in Four Nurses Heads for Retirement
Nurse shortage spells doom for NHS; Union warns of a lack of staff as future looms of low recruitment and early retirement