(GCC: A few months ago, today’s guest post author reached out with the desire to share knowledge about a unique option to accelerate early retirement. Thanks to a deferred compensation plan, this post was written between retirement activities in a sunny zero income tax State. Maybe this is ...
How To Retire Early With Children? Children are obviously a big determinant in whether you'll have the ability to retire early or not. But, are children really that expensive if you see plenty of couples who earn $50,000 or less have multiple children? The Child Tax Credit is worth up ...
Below we'll explore the lifestyle of a typical household earning $1 million a year living in New York City. A family anonymously shared with me their expenses, and I've done my best to tell their story without sharing their exact details. This post will give you a taste of what it's...
If you're really in a hurry to tell your boss what he can do with your job, and don't mind extreme frugality, then try saving 80%. You could be financially independent in less than 7 years, because $3,200 per month at 8% results in a $361,000 savings balance, providing $10,83...
from Your Financial Advisor(Edmonton, AB, Canada: Visions International Publishing, 2009). Entrepreneur and life coach Ernie J. Zelinski offers an optimistic and hoilstic approach to retirement planning, with exercises and advice about ways to have a satisfying retirement without a million dollars."...
This post tells how to retire on one million dollars or less at age 35 or lower. Simple math proves it's absolutely possible.
Okay, you’re 35 years old, you have saved exactly one million dollars, and handed in your resignation. At this point, you will probably have at least two chunks of money: a normal chunk (also known as a taxable account), and a retirement chunk (perhaps a 401k, IRA, or pension). ...
Even with a good-quality medical plan, I still burned through thousands of dollars to cover my deductible and copayments. There’s a good reason all the super-savers I read about are young. They don’t have to worry about all this getting-older stuff....
Who cares if you retire at 50 with 3 million in the bank if you needed to live the last three decades in the Midwest (no offense to Midwesterners -- it's just an example of someplace I've lived that was not for me). That's just not a life I would liked to have lived. I'm ...
One other thing to those who worry.Be confident. If you were smart or resourceful enough to figure out how to save a a million dollars at 40, you’re also smart enough to come up with a plan when the shit hits the fan. Carry on. ...