Psychology definition for Retinal Disparity in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
Retinal Disparity Examples Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions What is binocular vision in psychology? A binocular cue is a type of visual information about distance and depth that people gather from the environment from both fields of vision. It is different from monocular cues, or informatio...
For what is retinal disparity an important cue? Perception: Perception, in the context of psychology, is how the brain acquires sensation and interprets the given stimuli. This is most obviously through the five main senses, touch, taste, hearing, sight, and smell. However, there are other ...
Wallach, H., Bacon, J. Two forms of retinal disparity.Perception & Psychophysics19, 375–382 (1976).
As before, the disparity of the network-mediated ML activation thresholds can be related to the location of the cell and its presynaptic network compared to the position of the illuminated pixel. Last, we evaluated in a subset of RGCs (n = 11 RGCs) the ML responsivity with and ...