光影:Rethinking Voxels 适用版本:1.19~1.20.1 下载原址(需要FQ):https://modrinth.com/shader/rethinking-voxels 免费分流下载(已汉化):关注并私信发送关键词 RV 获取下载链接 展开更多What U Do 万物皆可游戏 游戏 单机游戏 我的世界 MC 沙盒游戏 光影 Minecraft 像素风 低配 材质包 低配光影...
You are looking at rethinking-voxels, a minecraft shaderpack. It is an edited version of Complementary Reimagined, and it follows the same visual style, but it also has coloured lights with ray-traced shadows and more VL. How to Install To install this shaderpack, you need to have minecraft...
Rethinking Voxels是基于Complementary Reimagined魔改的光影,添加了体素化彩色光源以及追踪阴影贴图等功能,整体表现出来的效果非常不错,不过就是对配置要求有点高,但因为目前处于开发阶段,所以这些问题我们可以期待后续正式版本修复。 光影: Rethinking Voxels 下载链接:https://modrinth.com/shader/rethinking-voxels 汉化lang...
cat shaders/block.properties lightlist.tmp | sed 's/#.*$//' | sed 's/^.*[0-9]=//' | tr -d '\r' | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -e '[a-z]' | sort | uniq -d Loading Oops, something went wrong. Retry 0 comments on commit 95e75d3 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
半个光追Rethinking Voxels(内含下载链接) im小丑土豪 00:49 我的世界低配光影《Solas Shader》4K纯享版演示,内含下载链接~ 木槿晓枫 47460 史诗级!自带材质包!Complementary Shaders 测试2 百灵Bili_ngual 3880 TowerHeart22 04:05 MC其实有5款光追光影!还在用PTGI?该换换免费的光追了!(附白嫖) ...
Rethinking Voxels是基于Complementary Reimagined魔改的光影,添加了体素化彩色光源以及追踪阴影贴图等功能,整体表现出来的效果非常不错,不过就是对配置要求有点高,但因为目前处于开发阶段,所以这些问题我们可以期待后续正式版本修复。 光影: Rethinking Voxels 下载链接:https://modrinth.com/shader/rethinking-voxels 汉化lang...