This paper investigates the role of global context for crowd counting. Specifically, a pure transformer is used to extract features with global information from overlapping image patches. Inspired by classification, we add a context token to the input sequence, to facilitate information exchange with ...
In the last part of Back- Bone, DeSFPP is used for upsampling features from different global pools, thus enabling the network to adjust the sampling position of the network. The neural network learns the offset of the occluded pedestrian to locate the pedestrian's moving position accurately. ...
In this context, we have the picture of a fragmented Life Wheel, which may well be the greatest collective danger facing our planet right now. Pretty scary stuff, if you ask me. Reminds me of the bad old Hitler days. We don’t need a repeat of that, thank you anyway. So, where’s...
This process of representation does not blindly adopt the actual views of those who stand somewhere else, and hence look upon the world from a different perspective; this is a question neither of empathy, as though I tried to be or to feel like somebody else, nor of counting noses and ...