cd retdec-idaplugin mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DIDAPLUGIN_LIBS_DIR=<path> -DIDA_SDK_DIR=<path> make && make install Windows: Open MSBuild command prompt, or any terminal that is configured to run themsbuildcommand. cd retdec-idaplugin ...
RetDec IDA plugin RetDec plugin for IDA (Interactive Disassembler). The plugin is compatible with the IDA 7.5+ versions. The plugin does NOT work with IDA 6.x, IDA 7.0-7.4, or freeware version of IDA 7.0. The plugin comes at both 32-bit and 64-bit address space variants (both are 64...
直接从官网可以下载build之后的版本,复制文件夹内所有文件到ida安装目录下的插件目录即可: 默认热键是ctrl+d ,如果热键冲突自己改一下cfg文件里面的热键即可。 先来个简单的messagebox看一下效果: 1.源码: 2. F5: 3. Ret: 貌似效果还可以。 加点局部变量和全局变量: 不调用函数的话,两个函数和变量全部被优化...
IDA插件gayhub:Retdec idaplugin Retdec gayhub:Retdec 通过阅读github 知道 插件有两种方式使用: 一种是使用API Key ,让远程服务器进行反码,然后返回给本地 一种是本地编译好Retdec 看文档说这个工具很吃内存,我就选择了简单无脑的第一种方式。其实是我根据他的github ,编译一直 没有通过 yaracpp 报错,希望...
IDA插件gayhub:Retdec idaplugin Retdec gayhub:Retdec 通过阅读github 知道 插件有两种方式使用: 一种是使用API Key ,让远程服务器进行反码,然后返回给本地 一种是本地编译好Retdec 看文档说这个工具很吃内存,我就选择了简单无脑的第一种方式。其实是我根据他的github ,编译一直 没有通过 yaracpp 报错,希望...
retdec-idaplugin-- Embeds RetDec into IDA (Interactive Disassembler) and makes its use much easier. retdec-r2plugin-- Embeds RetDec into Radare2 and makes its use much easier. retdec-regression-tests-framework-- A framework for writing and running regression tests for RetDec and related tools. ...
retdec-idaplugin -- Embeds RetDec into IDA (Interactive Disassembler) and makes its use much easier. retdec-r2plugin -- Embeds RetDec into Radare2 and makes its use much easier. retdec-regression-tests-framework -- A framework for writing and running regression tests for RetDec and related ...
retdec-idaplugin-- Embeds RetDec into IDA (Interactive Disassembler) and makes its use much easier. retdec-r2plugin-- Embeds RetDec into Radare2 and makes its use much easier. retdec-regression-tests-framework-- A framework for writing and running regression tests for RetDec and related tools. ...
1. retdec-idaplugin: This plugin integrates retdec with the popular IDA Pro disassembler, allowingyou to conveniently switch between disassembled code and the decompiled source code. 2. API access: retdec provides an API that allows programmatic access to its decompilation functionalities. You can use...
Only a very limited development is carried on. RetDec RetDecis a retargetable machine-code decompiler based onLLVM. The decompiler is not limited to any particular target architecture, operating system, or executable file format: Supported file formats: ELF, PE, Mach-O, COFF, AR (archive), Int...