必应词典为您提供retained-earnings的释义,un. 净收益;保留收益; 网络释义: 留存收益;保留盈余;未分配利润;
A financial statement for a corporation showing the changes during the accounting period in the amount of retained earnings. 用于反映公司某一会计年度留存收益数额变化的财务报表。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. equity arising from profitable operations is called retained earnings. 由于盈利性经营所增加的股东权...
留存盈余(retained earnings)是指商业银行的税后利润中扣除优先股股息,普通股股息之后的余额,因而,留存盈余是商业银行普通股股东权益的重要组成部分。商业银行在进行年终结算时,一般不会把全部利润作为投资收益分给股东,总是会留下一部分作为留存盈余,用于商业银行扩大经营、增强流动性、偿还债款,或者为营业中可能...
·Retained earnings (RE) are the amount of net income left over for the business after it has paid out dividends to its shareholders.留存收益是企业向股东支付股利后留存的净利润。·The decision to retain the earnings or distribute them among shareholders is usually left to company management.通常...
Cash dividends, reduceretained earningsand become a current liability when declared. 现金股利, 在宣布时将减少保留盈利并成为一项流动负债. 辞典例句 Appropriations are actually segregations ofretained earnings. 分拨,它实际上是保留盈利的划分. 辞典例句 ...
留存收益(Retained Earnings)的计算方法主要有两种,以下是对这两种方法的详细阐述: 一、留存收益的基本计算方法 留存收益是企业经营过程中累积的、未分配给股东的利润部分。其基本计算方法可以通过以下两个公式来表达: 留存收益 = 未分配利润 + 盈余公积 这个公式将留存收益分解为...
1. The company has accumulated significant retained earnings over the years. 公司多年来积累了可观的留存收益。 2. Retained earnings can be used for reinvestment in the business. 留存收益可以用于企业再投资。 3. The board of directors decided to distribute a portion of the retained earnings as div...
retained earnings计算公式 “retained earnings”通常指“留存收益”。它的计算公式包括两部分,未分配利润和盈余公积:留存收益 = 未分配利润 + 盈余公积。未分配利润是企业留待以后年度分配或待分配的利润。它是在未进行分配之前的所有者权益的组成部分。盈余公积包括法定盈余公积、任意盈余公积、法定公益金。这部分是...