过去分词:retailed; 现在分词:retailing; 实用场景例句 全部 零售 零卖 转述 传播 零售的 以零售方式 The recommendedretailprice is £9.99. 建议零售价为9.99英镑。 牛津词典 department stores and otherretailoutlets 百货商店和其他零售专营店 牛津词典 ...
retail英音: ['ri:teil] 美音: ['ri:teil] 不可数名词:1.零售a.1.零售的ad.1.零售v.1.及物动词:传播(闲话、流言蜚语等)(通常指屡次地)2.不及物动词:以(某价格)零售(某物)英英释义 selling or related to selling direct to the consumer at a retail price the selling of goods to consumers; ...
Retail profits are falling sharply.(零售利润正急剧下降。) Concessionaires and shop owners report retail sales are up.(特许经销商和店主们报告说零售额在增加。) Unfortunately, part of the explanation is that the Census retail data are unreliable.(不幸的是,部分原因是人口普查的零售数据不可靠。) ...
批发(Wholesale)与零售(Retail)的区别 ~~~雅各布专栏——专注行业第一品牌商业模式研究~~~ 来源:Yogine Studios 了解批发和零售之间的区别在商业中至关重要。无论您是初出茅庐的企业家,还是经验丰富的企业主,抑或仅仅是一位知情的消费者,理解这两个术语都将使您在购买或销售产品时做出更加明智的决定。在本文中,...
Keeping up with the changes in retail has never been more complex, and you need big ideas and fast implementation to win. Talk shop with us.
1 retail和consumer goods的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同goods:英 [ɡʊdz] 美 [ɡʊdz]。 retail:英 ['riːteɪl] 美 ['riːteɪl]。 consumer:英 [kən'sjuːmə] 美 [kən'sjuːmə]。
1. 发音不同 - Goods:英 [ɡʊdz],美 [ɡʊdz]- Retail:英 ['riːteɪl],美 ['riːteɪl]- Consumer:英 [kən'sjuːmə],美 [kən'sjuːmə]2. 含义不同 - Goods:指货物或商品,也可以指动产或罪证。-...
EditorialThe New Rules of B2B Retail: Loyalty, Trust, and Smarter KPIs Forrester predicted it . The marketing seas in 2024 are rough, and there’s no denying it. B2B b October 21, 2024 EditorialImmerse Your Business in Technology: How VR and AR Shape the Future of Retail ...