One for all gear types, including leather and agility, that are non-heroic and currently obtainable in-game. Some ask “Why leather? Why agility gear?”. The question is answered more simply than some may think. Agility grants a Paladin with an incredible amount of melee crit, and the att...
Performance is only looked at when we get stuck, get into mythic or when someone needs a little help figuring out what small changes they can make to boost their performance. We also expect that you’re working on your gear outside of raid, WQ’s, assaults, Warfronts, M+, Islands (l...
We certainly have room for a ret pally pal/holy paladin (we can probably work better right now with a strong ret paladin, but we’d love a good swing healer). We raid Th/Sun/Mon 7-10 PST, and are 6/9M. I don’t really copy/paste, but our post/spiel’s over here if these ...
Devoutwar <Iron Sanctum> 435 posts 70 Human Paladin 5525 Jan 2023 Some of that is meta dependent. If there is a priest or warrior in the game then bubble is one use per map, and lasts 1-3 seconds which has been this entire expansion. Armor type is irrelevant anymore. It’s all co...
Melee Dps (Windwalker Monk, Ret Paladin) If you are a great player and your class isn’t listed, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to give you a shot! Raid Times: Weekend Group Saturday: 9PM EST - Midnight EST Sunday: 9PM EST - Midnight EST Current Raid Progression: Mythic...
Retribution Paladin:High Rogue:High Hunter:High Boomkin Druid: Medium DPS with experience as Tank off-spec:High Other strong applicants will be considered. A Note on Cross-Realm: Because we’re currently only raiding heroic content, we welcome folks who cannot make the move to Galakrond/Black...
Ret Paladin: Ovenproofju#1318 Havoc DH: Chickenfing#1322 Asethi-proudmooreAugust 2, 2019, 2:03am2 If you can raid until 2am EST we might be a fit for you. Furyis an Alliance Cutting Edge raid team on Proudmoore (US). We were established in 2017 and have achieved CE in every tier ...
Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 holy paladin, 1 disc priest, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one ...
Because when I’m on my Ret it feels like one of the best 1v1 classes I have. I love it, solid survivability and damage imo. Plus soon we’re getting a juicy rework to the class tree and any and all of your defensive complaints are gone! 1 Snowcrest 7491 posts 80 Dr...
We just lost our Ret Paladin to real life so we’re looking for a good player to pop right into that empty raid slot. Dark Skies is a long-term cutting edge raid guild, currently 8/9 Mythic and working on Jaina, raid times 9:30 PM to 1 AM, Tues / Wed / Thurs, Pacific Time....