Casey Elledge explores the earliest evidence we have for a notion of a resurrection of the dead and investigates the hope for Israel in Judaism and Christianity found in the Testaments. Crenshaw looks at the Hebrew Bible's ideas of resurrection, and Hendrikus Boers examines the meaning of ...
the ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and rabbinic literature, Levenson shows how tales of the son handed over to death by his loving father in the Hebrew Bible influenced the Church's identification of Jesus as sacrificial victim. According to Levenson, the transformation...
Analyzing texts from the ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and rabbinic literature, Levenson shows how tales of the son handed over to death by his loving father in the Hebrew Bible influenced the Church's identification of Jesus as sacrificial victim. According to ...
These observations affirm an identification of the genre of the Gospel as novelistic literature. The study also examines themes of death and revival in texts of the "Hebrew Bible", revealing a recurrent constellation of motifs. In these texts, Fullmer convincingly traces a Prophetic resurrection ...
in the village of Bethany, just two miles outside of Jerusalem, either with or close by their brother, who is a special friend of Jesus and his disciples. He is described in verse 3 as "the one you love," using the verbphileō, "to have a special interest in someone or something, ...
Resurrection! - Early in the morning on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone
This chapter first explains the mythical origins of the name Easter. It then shows how and why the story of Christ's passion and resurrection became mythologized, with particular attention to the background of Hebrew Bible mythology, Greco-Roman myths, and archetypal mythological motifs. It then...
On the morning of the resurrection of Jesus women went to the tomb to anoint with spices the quickly decomposing body of Jesus. They demonstrated their love and devotion to Jesus, and their lack of faith in what He had promised them. Did they come with the idea of waiting for the risen...
Ezekiel 37:9The same Hebrew word meanswind, breath, andspirit. Ezekiel 37:23A Hebrew variant readsI will save them from all the dwellings in which they sinned. Ezekiel 37 King James Version 37The hand of theLordwas upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of theLord, and set me dow...
As the heart monitor went silent, so did those in the room. I looked out to watch the beautiful sun setting in the west. I had made a promise to her to be there on resurrection morning. The only way I could keep it is for God to have mercy on His prodigal son. I was dead in...