case aftertheResurrection;from this point of view it is true that the possibility [...] 关于他的身体另一方面话语的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必要,或许可以辩解的 考虑,从工会和随之而来的至福直观的基督的灵魂,将congruously接踵而来一个灵魂封圣的...
having been declared the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness, by resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord,King James BibleAnd declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:New King James ...
1 Corinthians 15:4, 5And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:…Men in all ages have recognized that the truth of Christianity depends upon the historical verity of our Lord's resurrection from the dead. Consequently, attacks of various kinds...
"This is the first time I have ever looked at scripture to see this for myself. Thank you."- Anita What You'llLearn It might shock you to learn that popular Christian beliefs about eternal life are not based on the Scriptures, but actually come from pagan origins. The message of the ...
3ForwhatIreceivedIpassedontoyouasoffirstimportance:thatChristdiedforoursinsaccordingtotheScriptures,4thathewasburied,thathewasraisedonthethirddayaccordingtotheScriptures.3我當日所領受又傳給你們的,第一,就是基督照聖經所說,為我們的罪死了‧4而且埋葬了‧又照聖經所說,第三天復活了‧ II.Resurrection...
Jesus reveals that the purpose of this sickness will be to glorify God.[171]Similarly, the man born blind was so that "the work of God might be displayed in his life" (9:3). Is all sickness for this purpose? No. The Scriptures show that some sickness is a result of sin (5:14;...
Resurrection is the rising from the dead of a divine or human being who still retains their own personhood, or individuality, though the body may or may not be changed.
The Old and the New Testaments speak of the truth of Jesus being raised from death - Jesus testified of his resurrection before He died on the cross, and his disciples witnessed his body after the resurrection. Below are the Bible verses and Scriptures that both prophesize the resurrection of...
Objective historical evidence The Scriptures predicted it (1 Cor. 15:4) Jesus appeared bodily to a number of different people [others could verify] (1 Cor. 15:5-7) Jesus appeared to Paul himself [he himself could verify] (1 Cor. 15:8-11) Logical inconsistencies in the teaching of the...
To be a Jew means not only to accept the doctrine of resurrection but also to be certain that this doctrine is authentic to and derives from the premier revelation, the written Scriptures, that God conveyed to the Israelite nation at Sinai. The contradiction is that, in these same writings,...