Add your anticipated date of graduation, if you have one. You don’t need to include the graduation year if you graduated more than 10 years ago. Everyresume education sectionshould include the following information: The name of your university, community college or school. Only include high sc...
According to Feldberg, "when formatting education, include the name of the college or university, its city and state, anticipated graduation date, extracurricular activities and courses related to your job target.” If your GPA is 3.0 or higher, you can include that too. 3. Describe Unrelated ...
The strategy here is like that used in undergraduate degrees. List the anticipated graduation date on resume, if you still have a lot of coursework to finish before graduating. Here's an unfinished degree on resume example: “Master of Science in Economics, to be completed 2024 ...
graduation date (or anticipated graduation date) Beyond this basic information, there are additional details you can include if you want to highlight some of your relevant academic achievements. Here’s someoptional informationto consider listing in your education section: GPA (if above 3.5): Includ...
Your anticipated graduation date (whether high school or college) Education is one where CTE courses give high school students an advantage. If you’ve taken CTE courses, include anyindustry-recognized certifications you earned in schoolon your resume. Also, include focused areas of study you’re...
List your high school's name, location, anticipated graduation date, and GPA if it's strong and relevant. Mention any honors, awards, or advanced courses that showcase your academic dedication. Work Experience: Highlight part-time jobs, internships, or volunteer roles you've held. Include job...
Expected Graduation Date in Your Resume In your education section, list the degree program you’re in, the school’s name and location, and then add your anticipated graduation date. Now, since different schools have all kinds of different programs, there’s no need to enter your education ...
Speech and Language Pathologist education facilities/schools and other private speech/language pathology practices .2/7/2006 Dower Updated Resume. 1 . SAMPLE SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY DEGREE RESUME. LILLIANPOSEY. 3607 Floral Master of Science. Anticipated Graduation Date: August, 20xx . Big Brother/...
Graduation date (or anticipated graduation date) Awards, honors, and GPA (if it’s 3.5 or higher) However, if you’re writing aresume with no work experience, or you’re a recent college graduate, consider adding more detail to your education section, likeextracurricular activitiesorrelevant co...
Check your graduation status. Check your graduation status. Make sure your college credits and degree requirements match your anticipated graduation date. Typically, colleges require students to apply for graduation. Once the application is made, advisers pour over transcripts looking for any out...