export function Paused(args: PropsType): JSX.Element { return <BackupMediaDownloadProgress {...args} isPaused />; } export function Complete(args: PropsType): JSX.Element { return ( <BackupMediaDownloadProgress {...args} downloadedBytes={args.totalBytes} /> ); } export const InProgress =...
When a client invokes a resume, following a pause, the system uses a hierarchy of methods to handle the request. If an ongoing video stream is available such that the point at which the client is paused will be reached by that stream within a tolerable delay, the client is assigned to ...
Without having a minimum space, Resume VM will not work. Once the drives has the minimum free space, the status of VM will be changed to "Paused" from "Paused Critical". And then VM can be resumed.To resume VMs which are in "Paused" state, you can run the below commandlet....
consumer.resume(pausedPartitions); } } 代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi /** * Execute poll using pause API just for sending heartbeat, not polling messages. */ void retainConnection() { pollingLock.lock(); TopicPartition[] assignments = null; try { final Set<TopicPartition> assignmentSet =...
When a client invokes a resume, following a pause, the system uses a hierarchy of methods to handle the request. If an ongoing video stream is available such that the point at which the client is paused will be reached by that stream within a tolerable delay, the client is assigned to ...
Without having a minimum space, Resume VM will not work. Once the drives has the minimum free space, the status of VM will be changed to "Paused" from "Paused Critical". And then VM can be resumed.To resume VMs which are in "Paused" state, you can run the below commandlet....