October 26, 2023 • CLE • CLE On-Demand This CLE course will prepare defense counsel to depose and plaintiffs' counsel to defend depositions of class representatives in class litigation. The panel will outline techniques for effectively preparing or questioning class representatives and offer ...
21.9% 22.1% 21.8% 12.1% 27.3% 13.5% 24.8% 52.7% 56.1% 60.6% 61.7% End of 2020 End of 2021 End of 2022 End of 2023 Newly Acquired Debt (100 million) 142 100 655 Banks loans Bonds Other borrowings Improving Debt Structure 11 Total amount of interest-bearing debt reached RMB 320.05 ...
doi:10.3232/UBR.2023.V20.N3.02CACERES (Spain)TOURISMSOCIAL responsibility of businessTOURISM & economic developmentSUSTAINABLE developmentSUSTAINABLE tourismHERITAGE tourismTOURISM policyThis research links tourism with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) using two indicators, the envi...
For the fourth quarter of 2023,net profitwasRMB1.41 billion(US$198 million) andnet profit attributable to equity holders of the CompanywasRMB1.31 billion(US$184 million).Non-IFRS net profitwasRMB1.68 billion(US$236 million) andnon-IFRS net profit attributable to e...
Fourth Quarter 2023 Financial Highlights Total revenues were RMB6.89 billion (US$971 million), representing a 7.2% year-over-year decrease, mainly due to the decline in revenues from social entertainment services and others. Growth in revenues from online musi...
Tourism and Global Environmental Change: Ecological, Social, Economic and Political Interrelationships, 1st ed.; Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility; Routledge: London, UK; New York, NY, USA, 2006. [Google Scholar] Pickering, C.; Rossi, S.D.; Hernando, A.; Barros, A....
The investigation of symmetric/asymmetric structures and their applications in mathematics (in particular in operator theory and functional analysis) is useful and fruitful. A metric space has the property of symmetry. By looking in the same direction an