New trends in control and optimization for environmental and sustainable energy systems Edited byGiulio Ferro, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy,Marialuisa Volta, University of Brescia, Italy,Alessandra Parisio, University of Manchester, England,Michela Robba, Università degli Studi di Genova, ...
Aims and scope Results in Control and Optimization (RICO) is a gold open access journal offering authors the opportunity to publish in all fundamental and interdisciplinary areas of control and optimization enabling a safe and sustainable interconnected human society in a rapid way. Results in Control...
This article explores the relationship between Taylor rules for monetary policy and those derived from chaos control methods. A similar structure of both rule types would theoretically support the stabilizing role of the Taylor rule for the control of inflation, which until now has been based on an...
In terms of microfinance, the Bank stepped up product and service innovation, and solved the problems facing microfinance in terms of marketing, products, risk control, operation and services by digital means. As at the end of 2023, the balance of inclusive loans to MSEs stood at RMB1.46 tril...
Going back to our Dak Prescott example, it might make sense to start with the article on since it ranks directly below the negative content and he likely could control the content on that domain. On page optimization is the process of ensuring that a page targets the core...
To accelerate the efficiency of our research and discovery, we have established a fully-integrated platform encompassing all of the key functions in the biologic drug development. These include target validation, lead molecule discovery and optimization, preclinical evaluation, process d...
Isolation and identification of Delftia lacustris Strain-MS3 as a novel and efficient adsorbent for lead biosorption: Kinetics and thermodynamic studies, optimization of operating variables. Biochem. Eng. J. 2021, 173, 108091. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Zhang, S.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Y.; Ma...
Optimization of dietary intake is an essential component in the multidimensional effort to prevent and manage chronic disease. Recently, demand has increased for nutrition-focused management strategies for chronic tinnitus. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate 10 dietary items for their associa...
Optimal controlProper orthogonal decompositionShape optimizationIn this paper we will present some recent advances in the numerical approximation of two classical problems: shape optimization and optimal control for evolutive partial differential equations. For sh...
Error processing GET request '/proposals' due to 'com.linkedin.kafka.cruisecontrol.exception.OptimizationFailureException: Self healing failed to move the replica away from decommissioned brokers.' I even tried decommissioning the broker API but that results in the same exception. kidkun commented Sep...