Ahead of A-level results day 2023, head of sixth form Claire Green offers advice on how teachers can help students who are disappointed with their grades
If you think you may have to enterClearing, it's a good idea to look at your options before results day, even though you can't add a Clearing choice until 3pm. This will give you time to look at opportunities and whether there are any courses or universities you like the look of. I...
You’ll find information to support you in your next steps as you get your grades on results day. Results dates Below are the results dates for all Pearson qualifications. Students are permitted to receive their results on the results days from 8am (UK). ...
RESULTS DAY: Success Rate Up Again for A-LevelsRead the full-text online article and more details about "RESULTS DAY: Success Rate Up Again for A-Levels" - Coventry Evening Telegraph (England), August 16, 2001Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)...
summed up the mood of headteachers as the 8am embargo for 2023’s summer A level results lifted on 17 August: “Results day is always approached with a little trepidation, but for this year’s cohort there was the additional pressure of sitting pu...
Reported profit for the quarter was $0.4 billion, compared with $4.9 billion for the third quarter 2023. The reported result for the fourth quarter is adjusted for inventory holding losses* of $1.2 billion (net of tax) and a net adverse impact of adjusting items* of $1.5 billion (net of...
In 2023, the industry as a whole completed a total traffic volume of 118.83 billion tonne-kilometres and served 620 million passengers, representing a year-on-year increase of 98.3% and 146.1%, respectively, and recovering to 91.9% and 93.9% of the levels ...
Named "Top FPGA Company 2023" by Semiconductor Review magazine. Won two Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards from The Business Intelligence Group. Won a Grand Trophy Award for overall commitment to security-focused innovation from the Globee Cybersecurity Awards. 2023 Analyst and Investor ...
Professional Teachers (LEPT) results, including the complete list of passers, top 10 examinees, and performance of schools, are released by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Board of Professional Teachers today, December 13, 2024, fifty-one (51) working days after the last day of ...
AMD's ability to introduce products on a timely basis with expected features and performance levels; AMD's ability to generate revenue from its semi-custom SoC products; potential security vulnerabilities; potential security incidents including IT outages, data loss, data breaches and cyber-atta...