1 Coventry...3 Smith 54 Wilson 57, Baker 60 HT 0-0 Kennedy 70 (og) REGIONAL NON-LEAGUE RESULTS Ebac Northern Leeague Division One: Bishop Auckland 2 Morpeth Town 1 Ebac Northern League Division Two: West Allotment Celtic 3 Jarrow Roofing 5 BASKETBALL BBL CHAMPIONSHIP Sheffield Sharks 83 Wor...
I transferred the folder from my WD My Passport 1 TB external SSD (Model: WDBAGF0010BBL). As soon as the transfer began, the transfer immediately shot over 700 MB/s, before holding consistently around 690-710 MB/s. The SSDs wasted no time and finished the transfer in under a minute....
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while crude prices have recoup from yesterday’s lows following last night’s large drawdown in the API report. Saudi and Iraqi oil ministers are to hold a joint press conference on Thursday in an attempt to stabilise oil markets.
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