Martina Mu¨ller-Nurasyid2,3,4, Iris M Heid4,5, H-Erich Wichmann6,7,8, the KORA study group6 and Heike Bickebo¨ller1 Among the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously reported to be associated with body mass index (BMI) and obesity, we focus on a common risk variant rs75...
always@(data_a or data_b or data_c or select or clr) begin if (clr) out = 1'b0; else case (select) 2'b00 : out = data_a; 2'b01 : out = data_b; 2'b10 : out = data_c; // out is not assigned when select = 2'b11 // out retains its previous value! This is a ...
All the resources used by the native implementation of CLR (mscorwks/mscorsvr in v1/v2, clr.dll in v4) are saved in mscorrc.dll. Every resource string in resource DLLs have a resource ID. If you add 0x6000 to HRESULT code (the lower 16-bits part), you’ll get the error ...
All the resources used by the native implementation of CLR (mscorwks/mscorsvr in v1/v2, clr.dll in v4) are saved in mscorrc.dll. Every resource string in resource DLLs have a resource ID. If you add 0x6000 to HRESULT code (the lower 16-bits part), you’ll get the error...