</resultMap> <resultMap id="ReferencePeopleResult" class="ReferencePeople"> <result property="PreferredSalesman" column="PreferredSalesman"select="GetSalesmanByCustomerID"/><!-- If I add a random property from Customer to ReferencePeople, sothat it has a direct property, then everything works fi...
I'm trying to use Bootstrap grid system with rows each has 4 column contains image, but the image size is big and it gets over its container, so I set image position: absolute and div position: relati... Concise way to create an array of values not found in a complex nested objects...
When auto-mapping results MyBatis will get the column name and look for a property with the same name ignoring case. That means that if a column named ID and property named id are found, MyBatis will set the id property with the ID column value. 1. mybatis在自动映射时,会根据column去...
resultMap中的id属性取自定名,type表示返回类型 id标签用来 MyBatis/Ibatis框架,resultMap标签中association子标签中resultMap属性使用。 :com.moon.mybatis.mapper.SysRoleMapper.BaseResultMap。 4、BaseMapperTest.java文件内容如下所示: UserMapperTest.java文件如下所示: 程序运行Log日志结果如下所示,注意仔细观看 Sys...
问题描述操作系统:win10插件版本: 1.4.13idea版本: ultimate 2020.3问题描述: sql/resultMap/select with such name alrea...
boolean foundValues = false; if (autoMapping.size() > 0) { for (UnMappedColumAutoMapping mapping : autoMapping) { final Object value = mapping.typeHandler.getResult(rsw.getResultSet(), mapping.column); if (value != null || configuration.isCallSettersOnNulls()) { ...
resultMap:命名引用外部的resultMap,其名称要和外部的resultMap元素的ID名称一致,用于映射其结果到实体类指定对象中。 那么什么时候我们知道使用resultMap,什么时候又使用resultType呢? ①当去select一张表时,可以使用resultType,这些情况下,MyBatis会在幕后自动创建一个ReusltMap,基于属性名来映射到JavaBean属性上 ...
在使用MyBatis进行数据库操作时,遇到“resultmap with such name already exists”错误通常意味着在当前的MyBatis映射文件中存在同名的<resultMap>定义。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤进行检查和处理: 确认“resultmap”的具体含义和上下文: resultMap是MyBatis中用于映射数据库列到Java对象的属性的一种方式...
log.debug("While building result map '" + resultMap.id + "', found a constructor with arg names " + constructorArgNames + ", but the type of '" + constructorArgNames.get(i) + "' did not match. Specified: [" + specifiedType.getName() + "] Declared: [" ...