RestylaneSKINBOOSTERS Vital Light水光保湿针由瑞典Galderma药厂生产,获美国FDA及欧盟CE双重认证,全球超过18年的临床应用经验。 独有NASHA专利技术,結合自身1000倍的水份并锁于皮肤内,💧直达真皮深层,为肌肤提供源源不绝的水分,恢复肌肤內在水润光泽。✅锁水补湿✅增加弹性✅改善细纹✅提亮光泽 *临床研究疗程...
Restylane Skinboosters Vital瑞兰水光加强版 含20mg/ml的玻尿酸 Restylane Skinboosters Vital Light瑞兰水光 含12mg/ml的玻尿酸 瑞兰一号的两种类型 下面就是瑞兰2号,也就是欧版的Restylane带麻版。 作用于:面部大部分皱纹:额纹、鱼尾纹、眉间纹、鼻间纹、法令纹、口周纹,可用于...
Restylane Skinboosters Vital 1ml(又名瑞蓝水光加强版)最小的分子~ 主要用于补水保湿。可用部位:脸部,颈部,手部和前胸,作为日常的水光针保养。 含20mg/ml的玻尿酸 Restylane Skinboosters Vital Light 1ml (瑞蓝水光) 含12mg/ml的玻尿酸 可用部位同上 Restylane vital lidocaine 2ml (四合一种植面膜) 带一个小...
9)RESTYLANE®Vital和VitalLight这两种产品统称为RESTYLANE®Skinboosters。先来看看我再法国医美展会上跟博士的互动,这两款出名的就是NASHA技术和设计比较前卫的自带笔式注射器,定量给药。 RESTYLANE®®Vital简单说就是瑞蓝高浓度水光,深度保湿,含20mg/ml交联透明质酸。而vital light 跟vital的区别就是HA浓度...
商品名称 Restylane® Skinboosters™ Vital Light 制造商 Q-MED AB 注册日期 2014-03-07 代理 GALDERMA-Q-MED 通用名 unclassified 包装说明书上的设备名称 Gel stérile et transparent d’acide hyaluronique 产品等级 Classe III 起源 Non 无菌 oui 放射产品 non 扩展信息 ...
Restylane Vital Light has been designed to treat delicate areas such as around the eyes and lips. Whilst giving patients complete comfort with Lidocaine. How does Restylane Vital Light with Lidocaine work? Healthy skin production should be a luxury for all no matter how old they are. Ensuring ...
SB NASHA™skin quality injectables are Skinboosters Vital and Skinboosters Vital Light.3,30,39,45,46 THE HISTORY OF HYALURONIC ACID DERMAL FILLERS When Restylane®was launched more than 27 years ago, it was the world’s first non-animal dermal filler with stabilized hyaluronic acid.11,47...
Restylane offers a wide range of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers and skinboosters, designed to restore facial volume and enhance the youthful appearance of the skin. The product line is ideal for treating specific facial areas by restoring volume, enhance facial shape and contour as well as ...
RESTYLANE VITAL SKINBOOSTER FOR SKIN MATURE REJUVENATION. SKIN REFRESH. RESTYLANE VITAL is perfect for rejuvenating mature and photo damaged skin in the face.
RestylaneSkinboostersVital, for facial rejuvenation RestylaneSkinboostersVital Light, for facial rejuvenation Your doctor will have his/her own preferences on which fillers to use for you. Speak to them to learn more!