Step 2: Go to DJI’s Official Website to apply for an unlocking license. After filling out the Authentication Application information, you can move to the next step of unlocking license application: Go to to submit an Unlock Request, check here: Unlocking License Application...
Denmark Ads for online games of chance and bricks and mortar casinos are permitted provided the advertiser holds a license under the Danish Gambling Act. Ads for specific online games/games played at bricks and mortar casinos must include: The age limit of the game/to ...
This paper presents a vehicle license plate recognition method based on character-specific extremal regions (ERs) and hybrid discriminative restricted Boltzmann machines (HDRBMs). First, coarse license plate detection (LPD) is performed by top-hat transformation, vertical edge detection, morphological ope...
AWSLicenseManagerServiceRolePolicy AWSLicenseManagerUserSubscriptionsServiceRolePolicy AWSM2ServicePolicy AWSManagedServices_ContactsServiceRolePolicy AWSManagedServices_DetectiveControlsConfig_ServiceRolePolicy AWSManagedServices_EventsServiceRolePolicy AWSManagedServices_SelfServiceReporting_ServiceRolePolicy AWSManaged...
DOCUMENT ID: MFT_License_2011.12.07 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® for UNIX IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® for z/OS® IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® for OpenVMS IBM® Sterling Connect:...
Cervical cancer (CC) ranks as the second highest cause of morbidity and mortality among young women; however, there are currently no age-specific definitions for young cervical cancer or prognostic models tailored to this demographic. Data on CC diagnosed between 2000 and 2019 were extracted from ...
On-target–off-tissue drug engagement is an important source of adverse effects that constrains the therapeutic window of drug candidates1,2. In diseases of the central nervous system, drugs with brain-restricted pharmacology are highly desirable. Here w
IBM Maximo Application Suitelicense file. For more information, seePrerequisites for installing. Note:It is recommended that you follow theRed Hat OpenShiftinstructions for setting up a docker registry. An alternative is deploying the docker registry into a separateRed Hat OpenShiftcluster. This scena...
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, which permits any non-commercial use, sharing, distribution and repro- duction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s...
Participants were instructed to record food pictures and meal times 3 days (usually 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day) every four weeks and exercise activities using a mobile phone application (NUTRIEASE 8.9.12, Notte, China) at planned inspection visits. These logs were monitored by researchers and ...