turnsandthroughmovementsontooracrossthesehighwaystoooftenresultinseriouscrashes. TherestrictedcrossingU-turn(RCUT)intersectiondesignisintendedtoaddressthissafety issue.ThisreportincludestheresultsofdriverbehaviorobservationsatanRCUTintersectionin MarylandandtheresultsofanempiricalBayesbeforeaftercrashanalysisforRCUT ...
They started out from New York City by train in late June, crossing through various parts of Canada in July, making various stops along the way to Vancouver. By July 10, they were at sea, crossing the Pacific on a ship. Over the course of July and August, he tracked his progress: Yo...
We next tested the effects of GNP-specific Ptc deletion in vivo by crossing PtcC/C mice with Math1-cre mice. The efficiency of Ptc deletion in these mice was examined by laser capturing EGL cells from Math1-cre/PtcC/C cerebella and analyzing their DNA by quantitative PCR; this analysis re...
(13) For each pair (x, y), 1 ≤ x < y ≤ + 1 but (x, y) = (j, j + 1), choose T pairwise distinct (k − 2)-element subsets from the set B(x,y), crossing with respect to the partition P, and enumerate these as u(x,y)(1), . . . , u(x,y)(T ). With ...