Many families share iOS devices such as the iPad. Not only do the adults in the household use the device but the children do as well. The internet is a vast and unpredictable place—if you want to make sure kids don’t end up on adult websites, you can s
With the proliferation of electronic devices, today’s children have greater access to the Internet now more than ever. Many parents are not aware of the many ways children can get online. In addition to computers and smart phones, kids can access the Internet with game consoles, PS3, XBOX...
Curbs on Web Access Face Attack; Content Filters for Children Also Restrict Adults, Groups SayRobert O'Harrow Jr
With that being said, let’s take a look at how to restrict authors to specific categories. Restrict Author Categories Using PublishPress Permissions The easiest solution is creating a permissions group where all writers have access to a specific category, or a set of categories. For example, yo...
Apple has tools built into iOS to help parents monitor the iPhone habits of their children. However, those same tools can be used by everyday iPhone owners to both hide apps they don't care about, as well as restrict features they don't need or that infr
If a post / page is restricted to a group_A, then only the users on this group_A or group_A_1 / group_A_2 … (children of group_A) can access this post / page. Using the categories plugin, if I create a new post and assign it the category group_A, users of group_A_2 f...
supposedly exhaustive list of grounds for expulsion would unduly restrict the discretion that the expelling State must be allowed [...] 据指出, 虽然有关公共秩序和国家安全的理由无疑是最重要的,却不是唯一的理由,制定 一个关于驱逐的理由的所谓详尽清单会不适 当地 限制 了必...
Related:California Gov. Newsom signs law protecting children from social media addiction Newsom said that the cell phone policies will need input from stakeholders and educators to ensure that the needs of students are me. Some students could receive exceptions depending on whether a ...
The legislation makes California the latest state to try to curb student phone access in an effort to minimize distractions in the classroom and address the mental health impacts of social media on children. Florida,Louisiana, Indiana and several other states have passed laws aimed...
for years after emplacement 重申决心终止杀伤人员地雷造成的痛苦和伤亡,这些地雷每星期都导致数以 百计的人死亡或伤残,其中多数是无防护能力的无辜平民,包括儿童,妨碍经济发展和重建,阻碍难民和境内流离失所者返回家园并在布设多年后仍引发其他严重后果 ...