A custom FormatStyle gives you all the freedom to limit input to any set of characters. While this is great, you might want to benefit from existing formatters in other cases. The ranged integer constraint could be created using a number formatter as well: let numberFormatter: NumberFormatte...
1. Field Validation Rule You can use a field validation rule to specify a criterion that all valid field values must meet. You should not have to specify the current field as a part of the rule unless you are using the field in a function. Restrictions on types...
1. Field Validation Rule You can use a field validation rule to specify a criterion that all valid field values must meet. You should not have to specify the current field as a part of the rule unless you are using the field in a function. Restrictions on types...
Documentation 1.0.1 An easy and lightweight way to restrict characters in an input text field on mobile. Options available: Just Numbers Just Letters Just Alpha and Numbers [Without Space And Special Charecters] Email Currency Date Just Numbers and Hyphen ...
specify the current field as a part of the rule unless you are using the field in a function. Restrictions on types of characters to be entered in a field may be easier to do with anInput Mask. For example, a date field might have a validation rule that disallows values in the past....
specify the current field as a part of the rule unless you are using the field in a function. Restrictions on types of characters to be entered in a field may be easier to do with anInput Mask. For example, a date field might have a validation rule that disallows values...
I need to restrict the value being typed into an Entry field to values between 0 and 20. However, I don't want highlight it in red if it's outside that range or anything, I want to actually prevent the value from appearing in the field if the user types 30, for example (the 3...
Allow Only Numeric and Float in asp:TextBox ? Allow only two special characters in Regex Allow postive and negative decimal numbers only using Javascript allow the user to select the destination folder for file download? allowing a textbox to only enter date alternative to session variable An ...
Create up to a maximum of four dedicated global administrator user accounts. Use strong passwords at least 12 characters long. See Create a strong password for more information. Store the passwords for the new accounts in a secure location. ...
Improvement: Removed Currency Code comparison so that global currency can be changed in the future. Fix: Disabling upgrades prevented a customer from purchasing a second membership with multiple memberships enabled Improvement: Add jQuery to remove special characters from discount codes in admin area, ...