使用Kutools for Excel限制對特定工作表的訪問 Excel的Kutools提供功能–隱藏/取消隱藏工作簿和工作表輕鬆使工作表非常隱藏在工作簿中。 請執行以下操作。 申請前Excel的Kutools請首先下載並安裝. 1。 點擊庫工具>顯示隱藏>隱藏/取消隱藏工作簿和工作表. 2。 在裡面隱藏/取消隱藏工作簿和工作表對話框,您可以看到所有...
SelectFile>Info. SelectProtect Workbook, point toRestrict Permission by People, and then selectRestricted Access. In thePermissionsdialog box, selectRestrict permission to this workbook, and then assign the access levels that you want for each user. To give someone Full...
I sent the file to another user to test. When Excel run, a yellow warning on top telling that this file contains micros, and when choosing not to activate micro i get access to edit to micros to add uses or remove the code. Liam (author) from UK on November 19, 2019: @Wael Rihani...
currently support tenant restrictions. Thick clients (Outlook, Skype for Business, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more) can enforce tenant restrictions only when using modern authentication.Outlook and Skype for Business clients that support modern authentication might still be able to use legacy ...
Excel data and provide the necessary authentication and authorization mechanisms to restrict access to rows based on the User ID. Users would interact with the web application instead of directly modifying the Excel file. This approach provides more flexibility and control over the access restrictions....
Hi,I would like to restrict editing only my name in a word template we have which is 7 pages long.Whenever, i restrict and reopen the software, it highlights...
How do you restrict user access to creating new queries & using existing Excel queries? Suppose I create a query in Excel and send that query to a user. Then I want to the following to be true: 1. The user cannot alter my query 2. The user cannot cre...
By default, people with Change and Read permission can't print your protected file. On the Review tab, under Protection, click Permissions, and then click Restricted Access. Click More Options, and then select the Allow people with Change or Read permission to print c...
Excel Library (XlsIO) File Manager Floating Action Button Gantt Grid HeatMap Chart In-place Editor Image Editor Kanban Linear Gauge ListBox ListView Maps MaskedTextBox Mention Menu Message MultiColumn ComboBox MultiSelect Numeric TextBox OTP Input PDF Viewer Getting Started Feature Modules Open PDF f...
As I wrote here is the function module RFC_READ_TABLE very important for many Excel-VBA programmers. But RFC_READ_TABLE has a strong restriction: The length of a result