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The widely used algorithm in the divider is the non-restoring division, but there is no work which has reported the implementation of non-restoring dividers based on QCA. Presented is the design of a non-restoring binary array divider in QCA and its validity is verified usin...
We hypothesized that AMD-associated CFH risk allele (Y402H)19,20in iRPE cells locally controls the activation of C3 into anaphylatoxin C3a and predisposes CFH(H/H)-iRPE cells toward diseases. Under basal (CI-HS treated) conditions, CFH(H/H)-iRPE formed 2× higher APOE deposits as compared...
algorithm and the SRT algorithm is used to finish the design of division floating2point double precision unit together when the dividend has the property of long bit the divider unit is operated by the Restoring algorithm which has been improved and the result is combined with SRT algorithm by ...
Previous reports suggest that ‘browning’ of the WAT is an important contributor to EE in CACS7,31. Therefore, we assessed the expression of genes related to browning in the gWAT of KL mice with and without CACS using BATLAS, an algorithm capable of estimating the fraction of brown adipocyt...
A computer that performs division in either floating point or integer representation according to a novel algorithm in which a divisor is subtracted from a dividend to generate a first intermediate re
Theorem proving techniques are particularly well suited for reasoning about arithmetic above the bit level and for relating different levels of abstraction. In this paper we show how a non-restoring integer square root algorithm can be transformed to a v
Reports on the role of routing back-up land lines of data providers in restoring online services to customers in New York. Responsibility of data supplier and vendor in having diversely routed lines; Difficulty of getting dealer-dealer information on settled trades; Capability of carriers to change...
A method and apparatus for restoring communications in a network. The network includes a plurality of nodes, with each pair of nodes connected by a link, and with each link having information channels