Meguiars Gold Class Clear Coat Liquid Wax (16 oz.) A new standard for incredible shine. In all the years Meguiar’s has been developing car wax, there’s never been anything to equal the brilliance of this latest formulation. Its rich polishing oils and tough polymer protection glide on eas...
Hello, I'm Olivia Stewart. I am a strong supporter of repainting your old vehicle to restore its luster. Older vehicles often show a lot damage to their painted surfaces. The sun often seriously dulls paint colors after working through the clear coat. Scratches, chips and cracks frequently de...
On the first test ride, I noted that it takes several rotations of the crank before the power kicks in. Likewise, it takes several seconds for the power to turn off once you stop pedaling. Since the bike is slow off the mark, this means that you need to shift down before stopping at...
I tried other PC’s, and even replaced the Mobo on mine with an MSI figuring even if it didn’t make this tool work, I would need a replacement anyway after my anger at this Gigacrap board would have forced me to repeatedly drive over it in my car. Just when I was coming to ...
With the C5 re-assembled it was time to add connectors to allow the C5 to run from a regular car battery. A popular method is to run them though a12V relay (£6.49 Ebay)which is activated via the existing light switch and have the lights remain on all the time (replacing the light...
[Note] Plugin 'FEDERAT 分享回复1 psvita吧 folee020 PS Vita Memory Card dumper released by Major_Tom by wololoDeveloper Major_Tom, known for his work on several Vita hacks and trickswith Mr.Gas, has just released a tool to dump the PS Vita memory car 分享22赞 android吧 溯战 【06-10...
I WAS THERE! You can see the leaded-glass transom windows. See also the petite tower clinging to the main square tower? See its small window on the second floor? Here it is from inside!!! Squee!!! A board runs right across the window, holding original coat hooks. Just delicious! A...
For inspiration, I came across many links to DIY paint jobs both on car and camper sites. I was nervous. Our camper was pretty dowdy with chalky-white paint and many spots where the bare metal was showing. I wasn't sure if I was up for the job. To help me commit, I went out an...