You set Windows 7 to create System Restore points but notice that your system restore points have been deleted when you restart your computer. You can create new system restore points successfully but those restore points are also being deleted when rebooting Windows. Cause This issue can be caus...
Restore point deletion can also be caused by the following: Some 3rd party disk applications can cause restore points to be deleted. To test for this issue disable these types of applications to see if it can resolve the problem. Corrupted ACLs fo...
[string]$Drive)Write-Host"Disabling system restore for drive:$Drive"Disable-ComputerRestore-Drive$DriveWrite-Host"System restore disabled successfully for drive:$Drive"}# 示例使用:# 创建还原点Create-RestorePoint-Description"Before software installation"# 获取所有还原点Get-RestorePoints# 删除特定描述的还...
The Backup and Restore (Windows 7) tool creates a restore point each time you run a backup. The Previous Versions tab in File Explorer lists those restore points for the data that you included in the backup.备注 The Backup and Restore (Windows 7) tool uses vir...
Anonymous March 18, 2013 Apparently this happens as well when you dual boot Windows 7 and 8. When you create a restore point in 8 and then boot to 7 and then back to 8, the restore point is gone. It also happens inn reverse.
Comments Glenn March 18, 2013 Apparently this happens as well when you dual boot Windows 7 and 8. When you create a restore point in 8 and then boot to 7 and then back to 8, the restore point is gone. It also happens inn reverse....
但是,Windows 10仍然不提供管理默认还原点以及按计划创建还原点的设置;此外,如果建立的还原点比较多,除了占用磁盘空间外,手动删除也比较棘手。为此,我们可以借助于第三方还原点管理软件Restore Point Creator来解决问题。 1. 轻轻松松创建还原点 首先启动Restore Point Creator软件,启动时会弹出对话框显示目前已不再提供...
Restore-Computer[-RestorePoint] <Int32> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Restore-Computercmdlet 将本地计算机还原到指定的系统还原点。 Restore-Computer重启计算机。 在重新启动操作期间完成还原。 只有客户端操作系统(例如 Windows 7、Windows Vista 和 Windows XP)才支持系统还原点和Restore-Com...
System Restore Point Creator是一款简单易用的创建还原点工具,它能够帮助用户将系统还原到早期的状态,使用现有的还原点,而且您还可以创建新的还原点并对它们进行个性化的设置。System Restore Point Creator有几种类型来进行,这种变化使它更符合标准的 Windows 系统还原点 GUI 使的类型。这是没有办法让您过去的系他统...
Restore Point Creator 是一款简单易用的系统还原点创建工具,提供了一个简单而有效的解决方案来管理系统还原点。可使用现有的还原点将系统还原到早期的状态。可创建一个新的系统还原点,并通过向其添加特定的描述进行个性化设置。还可以删除不需要的还原点。 Restore Point Creator 简化了用户通过 Windows 的默认功能创建...