百度研究,有文章建议使用CMD或者powershell“Dism”命令修复系统,开搞(结果也失败了)。 Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth 这个命令,反复多次测试,都卡在62.3%的进度再也不动了,一如躺平的程序一般牢固。 下载win10.ISO文件,然后用指定源的方式,居然提示“找不到源文件”,李大普!都指定源还找不到源文件。
DISM 命令工具包括CheckHealth、ScanHealth和RestoreHealth三个选项,我们通常需要依次使用它们。RestoreHealth选项可以使用不同的源文件。DISM 命令的CheckHealth选项 CheckHealth选项用于确定 Windows 10 本地映像中的任何损坏,但是不执行任何类型的修复。使用DISM检查 Windows 10 的映像的步骤:在左下角搜索“cmd”,右键...
Win10电脑当前版本是10.0.17763.316,下载的Win10版本是10.0.19041。 我输入命令DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:D:\win10\sources\install.wim /LimitAccess,命令运行结果有报错,显示找不到源文件。 出现这样的情况是否会是因为Win10电脑当前版本是10.0.17763.316,下载的Win10版本是10.0.19041。
Image-health is the normal cmd... [removed] "C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log" post the CBS.log Also dism /scanhealth gives a better file report in the dism.log Your damaged files appear to be that from a windows update, as windows update files are not on setup media.. step 1 delete...
step 2 run Image_Health.cmd - option 1 = scanhealth step 3 run Image health - option 2 = restorehealth step 4 run image health - option 3 = restorehealth /source (OPTIONAL because step 3 already fixed the issue) stefanosgr19, Dec 14, 2023 #3 A...
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth stuck at image version. I ran the dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth in cmd as administrator but it got stuck in image version.This is the full output so far:C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth ...
建议的解决方案:升级或重装win10 21H2,升级大版本能够解决70%的问题,重装解决99%问题。为啥没有推荐...
DISM/Online/Cleanup-image/Restorehealth 步骤5:修复完成后,再次检查系统,执行步骤2的指令并结束。 sfc/scannow 但是我在修复过程中,执行了上述步骤4,系统出现如下错误代码:0x800f081f。 解决方案: 下载MediaCreationTool工具,创建跟当前系统相同版本的镜像文件(比如我的电脑是Windows 10 20H2版本,应下载版本为:Media...
In Windows10 cmd.exe /f:on CTRL-F does a find and not a Filename completion INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE after recent Windows 10 update Incorrect Date Modified Information in Folders level Increase Numer of items in Recent Items folder? Indexing NEVER completes Install .NET Framework 3.5 Components...