Learn about point-in-time restore, which enables you to roll back a database in Azure SQL Database up to 35 days.
在Azure 门户中,新建一个单一数据库,然后选择可用的异地还原备份。 新建的数据库包含异地还原的备份数据。 若要通过 Azure 门户异地还原所选区域和服务器中的单一数据库,请执行以下步骤: 在Azure 门户中打开“创建Azure SQL 数据库”窗格。 在“基本信息”选项卡上输入所需的信息。 选择“其他设置”。 对于“使用...
Databases created in Azure SQL Edge use the simple recovery model by default. As such, you can't perform log backups on these databases. If you need to do this, you'll need an administrator to change the database recovery model to the full recovery model. For a complete list of recover...
Azure 入口網站 Azure CLI 要從Azure 入口網站還原至時間點: 瀏覽至已啟用 Arc 的 SQL Server 選取[備份] 在右窗格的資料庫清單中,針對您要還原的資料庫選取 [還原]。 Azure 入口網站會引導您完成指示,以使用選取的資料庫作為源資料庫來建立資料庫。 提供詳細資料,例如要還原到的時間點,以及新資料庫的...
原文地址:http://blogs.technet.com/b/azuretw/archive/2014/10/06/azure-sql-database-point-in-time-restore.aspx 本篇文章,将说明Azure SQL Database的时间点还原( Point in Time Restore )功能,这项功能在Azure SQL Database的Basic、Standard、Premium版皆有提供。在先前的文章中,Azure SQL Database 团队...
Below is a brief tutorial showing how to deploy SQL Edge to your cloud environment. This tutorial is adapted from a more detailed walkthrough in the Azure documentation. You can find this walkthrough here. Prerequisites Before you can get started deploying Azure SQL Database Edge, there are...
SQL Server 大数据群集 某些操作(包括配置服务器(实例级别)设置或手动将数据库添加到可用性组,需要连接到 SQL Server 实例。 某些操作(例如sp_configure、RESTORE DATABASE或属于可用性组的数据库中的任何 DDL 命令)需要连接到 SQL Server 实例。 默认情况下,大数据群集不包含用于连接到实例的终结点。 必须手动公开此...
syntaxsql --To Restore an Entire Database from a Full database backup (a Complete Restore):RESTOREDATABASE{database_name| @database_name_var} [FROM<backup_device>[ ,...n ] ] [WITH{ [RECOVERY|NORECOVERY|STANDBY= {standby_file_name| @standby_file_name_var} ] | ,<general_WITH_options...
What is SQL Server? Connect to the Database Engine What's new? Editions and features Release notes Business continuity Overview Backup & restore Overview Quickstarts How-to Concepts Azure Backups Configuration Restore & recovery Restore & recovery ...
For information on SQL Server restore from Azure Blob Storage, seeSQL Server Backup and Restore with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Examples A. Restore a full database backup InObject Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine and then expand that instance. ...