These System Restore Points represent a stored state of your computer system files and registry settings. If at any time you feel the need to undo some changes or if your Windows is not working properly, you can restore your system back to a prior ‘good’ restore point. System Restore use...
[string]$Drive)Write-Host"Disabling system restore for drive:$Drive"Disable-ComputerRestore-Drive$DriveWrite-Host"System restore disabled successfully for drive:$Drive"}# 示例使用:# 创建还原点Create-RestorePoint-Description"Before software installation"# 获取所有还原点Get-RestorePoints# 删除特定描述的还...
Type and search [Create a restore point] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. If the Protection of system drive shows as On③, it means the system restore point is enabled. If the Protection of system drive shows as Off, please choose the [system drive]④ and then cl...
If you have bootable media for Windows, then boot into the computer using that and click on the repair your computer option.Step 2: Once in the advanced startup, you will see a blue screen. In the advanced startup, select Troubleshoot option. ...
In addition, the functionality of the Windows System Restore tool that enables you to revert to previous versions of software, registry settings, and driver configuration is called a restore point. It is an inbuilt feature of Windows that helps to undo the significant changes in your computer by...
RESTORE 语句也可用于对全文数据执行替代位置还原、差异还原、文件和文件组还原,以及差异文件和文件组还原。 此外,RESTORE 可以仅还原全文文件,也可以同时还原数据库数据。 备注 从SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 导入的全文目录仍然被视为数据库文件。 对于这些目录,用于备份全文目录的 SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 过程仍然适...
Then reboot your computer Restore point deletion can also be caused by the following: Some 3rd party disk applications can cause restore points to be deleted. To test for this issue disable these types of applications to see if it can resolve the pr...
Then reboot your computer Restore point deletion can also be caused by the following: Some 3rd party disk applications can cause restore points to be deleted. To test for this issue disable these types of applications to see if it can resolve the problem. ...
Step 2:Click on Create... to open the Create restore point window. opening create restore point window from system protection Step 4:Enter a restore point description like "Before Software Update" and click Create. Creating a new restore point ...
Get-ComputerRestorePoint使用RestorePoint参数来指定以逗号分隔的序列号数组。 示例3:显示系统还原的状态 此示例显示本地计算机上最新系统还原的状态。 PowerShell Get-ComputerRestorePoint-LastStatusThe last attempt to restore the computer failed. Get-ComputerRestorePoint使用 lastStatus参数显示最新系统还原的结果。