For subsequent levels we aimed to alter only one task element at a time. For example, to increase difficulty from level 1 to level 2, the size of the target was reduced, or the reaching distance was increased. Levels were modified to be more challenging in each subsequent level until a ...
The issue of protein turnover is especially important in interpreting results, given that use of transgenic technologies to conditionally alter the expression of particular genes in a cell or tissue of interest at a particular age, are typically validated by testing the level of mRNA or protein ...
Given that patients with DoC frequently suffer widespread neuronal loss, the ability to deploy stem cells capable of reconstituting adult neurons is an appealing therapeutic option. Continuing to advance knowledge of the utility of regenerative therapies through rigorously testing and iteratively evaluating ...
power as the mean in the case of a normal distribution and reducing substantially standard error in the presence of outliers [83]. The statistical outcome measure of this test, Q, is interpreted in the same fashion as the traditional F statistic [83]. Tukey’s multiple comparisons of means ...