community-based justiceyoung offendersvolunteerismThis article explores the contemporary introduction of restorative justice into the youth justice system in England. Specifically, the research investigates referral orders, and discusses how this new system is functioning 'on the ground' several years after ...
restorative justicereparationcreative interventionspoetryRe‐integrative shaming has been a central, but by no means uncontroversial principle of restorative practices within the youth justice system. This paper draws on video data from a creative writing project with young offenders in the context of ...
alternative dispute resolutionThe State of Nebraska has significantly expanded restorative justice services to youth offenders in recent years. A major part of the expansion was the rolloutBlankley, KristenCaldwell Jimenez, AlishaSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
J. (2012). Review of research on victims' experiences in restorative justice: Implications for youth justice. Chil- dren andYouth Services Review, 34 (1), 35-42.Choi, J., Bazemore, G. & Gilbert, M. (2012). Review of research on victims' experiences in restorative justice: Implications ...
Professor Theo Gavrielides is a legal philosopher and author in restorative justice, human rights, equality, race equality, youth policy and crime.
This article explores not only the basics of restorative justice (prevention, intervention, and reintegration) but also asks key questions, such as “Does it really work in a classroom?” and “What are the drawbacks to restorative justice?” ...
Restorative justice is an approach to addressing harm and conflicts that focuses on repairing relationships and restoring the well-being of all those affected, rather than solely punishing the offender. This philosophy emphasizes dialogue, empathy, and a
The restorative justice paradigm rests on the vision that crime is best approached as an offense against people and relationships rather than as a mere violation of legal norms. As a result, the model supports the view that public responses to crime should involve a process whereby individuals ...
Today, although the extent to which restorative justice has moved from the margins to the mainstream in state crime policies is subject to debate, it remains undisputed that restorative justice has prospered as a new paradigm, in contrast to the traditio
reintegrationandrestorative justiceforchildren and youth in 2009. 2009 年,劳工和社会事务部在儿基会的支持下, 开始了“给儿童正义”项目,集儿童和青年的预防、保护、重返社会和恢复性正义于一身。 ...