Through a combination of restorative practice, mindfulness, and collaborative activities, I foster a space in which my qualitative methods doctoral students practice learning with their fellow scholars, honoring their own intuition, and repairing harm when it occurs. This chapter outlines my approach, ...
a combination of restorative practice, mindfulness, and collaborative activities, I foster a space in which my qualitative methods doctoral students practice learning with their fellow scholars, honoring their own intuition, and repairing harm when it occurs. This chapter outlines my approach, the chall...
Through a combination of restorative practice, mindfulness, and collaborative activities, I foster a space in which my qualitative methods doctoral students practice learning with their fellow scholars, honoring their own intuition, and repairing harm when it occurs. This chapter outlines my approach, ...
The paper will conclude with several examples of classroom activities and assignments that have helped connect students with the theory and practice of restorative justice. 展开 关键词: restorative justice criminal justice curriculum criminal justice education criminal justice pedagogy ...
The paper will conclude with several examples of classroom activities and assignments that have helped connect students with the theory and practice of restorative justice.doi:10.1080/10282580.2013.769301Britto, SarahReimund, Mary EllenRoutledgeContemporary Justice Review...
the criminal justice system and then in schools as the phrase "school to prison pipeline" began to be used. The high rates that students of color and those with other challenges were suspended became an issue, along with the fact that those students then were most likely to end up in ...
All of these activities help rebuild the offender, victim, and of course the community (del Carmen & Trulson. 2006, p. 446). The last one which is public safety helps offenders get more involved within the community through 925 Words 4 Pages Good Essays Read More Restorative Justice ...
Restorative justiceis an alternative to using punishment-based approaches to school discipline and behavior management in K-12 classrooms. It focuses on repairing harm through inclusive processes that bring together students and educators. The intention of restorative justice is to shift the focus of st...
calls for the integration of social justice education to address the gaps within the TIC. RJ, in turn, focuses our attention on the school as a community. It offers tools for collective healing and creates opportunities for students to be leaders in building a strong community. It actively dis...
European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative JusticeIvo AertsenEuropean Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative JusticeSpringer-VerlagEra ForumLAUWAERT K., AERTSEN I., Restorative Justice: Activities and expectations at European level, in ERA - Forum, 2002, vol. 3, n. 1...