Restoration of Degraded Lands Affected by Salinization Process Under Climate Change Conditions: Impacts on Food Security in the Senegal River Valley, In : R. Lal, B. R. Singh , Dismas .L. Mwaseba , D. Kraybill, D. O. Hansen et L. O. Eik (Eds.), Sustainable Intensification to ...
Land degradation is a serious threat to agriculture which is adversely affecting the soil functions and productivity, while degraded soils stretch up to 6 billion ha worldwide. The population of the world is increasing day by day and agricultural land is declining due to degradation. It is estima...
RECLAMATION of landTROPICAL climateDEVELOPING countries environmental conditionsIn developed countries, ecological restoration is a widely accepted practice to restore the productivity of degraded coal mine spoils and prevent mine-degraded sites from acting as sources of pollution. During the past decade, ...
内容提示: REVIEW SUMMARY◥RESTORATION ECOLOGYSoil microbiota as game-changers in restorationof degraded landsOksana Coban*, Gerlinde B. De Deyn, Martine van der PloegBACKGROUND: Soil, the living skin of Earth,provides ecosystem services critical for life:Soil acts as a filter and store of water...
Understanding how biotic and abiotic filters drive plant distributions is critical for informing restoration efforts of degraded lands. However, it remains unclear whether or not it is possible to develop efficient restoration strategies that are based on field investigations? Here, we conducted a field...
–including restoration of degraded lands, sound management of grazing lands, improved crop [...] 代表们一致认为各种有效的农业措施, 如 修 复 退 化 土地 、科 学管 理牧场、改 进作物栽培技术、改善农业水资源管理、水产养殖和农林间作的最佳实践、开发沼 气等,都有助于实现减缓和适应...
5.The Study on Different Measures of Vegetation Rehabilitation of Subtropical Degraded Forest Ecosystems in Qiandao Lake, Zhejiang Province;千岛湖退化森林生态系统植被恢复生态学比较研究 6.Ecological Characteristics of Vegetation Restoration for Degraded Lands in a Watershed, Wulin Mountain Region;武陵山区小流...
The present report, therefore, addresses the productive aspects of the rehabilitation and restoration of degraded lands, in particular through planted forests and natural forest restoration 因此,本报告讨论重建和恢复退化地工作、尤其是通过恢复人造林和自然林这样做的生产性方面的工作。 MultiUn Since 2009...
Lamb, D. Large-scale ecological restoration of degraded tropical forest lands: the potential role of timber plantations.Restoration Ecology6,271–279 (1998). McKay, J. K., Christian, C. al. "How local is local?": a review of practical and conceptual issues in the genetics of restor...
of degraded lands; public [...] 森林合作伙伴关系成员又继续参与其他合作活动,这些活动涉及:改 善森林治理和执法工作;森林地貌多样性研究;监测、评估和报告 ;恢 复 森林地 貌 和重建退化土地;公共宣传和外联以及林业教育。 Reverse the loss of forest cover wor...