Study Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis of literature.Objective: The aim of the presented study is to assess whether the reduction of high-grade spondylolisthesis (HGS) through the correction of lumbosacral kyphosis leads to a decrease in the sagittal spinopelvic compensatory mechanisms....
In George Etherege’s 1676 comedy,The Man of Mode, the heiress Harriet Woodvill is asked if she is in love. “Yes,” she answers emphatically, “with this town, to that degree I can scarce endure the country in landscapes and in hangings.” Her interlocutor sympathizes. “What a dreadfu...
The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, ed. W. Trask, Garden City, NY1957, 43–66; here: 55; regarding the ancient, and above all patristic origins of the relevantstylistic devices, see 55f.; regarding the relation of (Spanish) Baroque discourse to the patternsof Late Antiquity...
Frencken, J.E. The Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) approach can improve oral health for the elderly; myth or reality?Gerodontology2014,31, 81–82. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Nyvad, B.; Fejerskov, O. Active root surface caries converted into inactive caries as a response to oral hy...