did a bit of raiding in TBC, but mostly did competitively in Wrath and Cataclysm. I’m available in the evenings. On Tues, Wed, and Thurs, I can only go until 11pm EST. On Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon I can go until whenever.
This cannot be improved by spell haste rating, but can be improved by shaman Blood Lust. Overhealing –How much of your healing done with one or several spells that “overheal”, ie lands on the target but does not do any good because it is already at full health. For example, a ...
The Haste Build For this build you will want to aim for 13163 haste. You will want to consider this build once you have enough haste gear, plus higher secondary stats that make reforging over to this breakpoint feasible. You will likely not reach this point until you have acquired a good...
< Friend Zone > of Darkspear [A] is looking for 1-2 more players to add to our roster. We are 8/8M and raid T/Th/M at 9:30pm-1:00am EST. As a guild we have been around since Cataclysm and will be around until the time WoW dies. If you want more info or to apply pleas...