iLevel >= 278 Int > 0 Resil = 0 Stat Weighting: Wowhead default Resto Druid w/ Epic Gems & Reforge items checked Listing format: Item (Wowhead link) – iLevel – Zone – Source (quest / boss / etc.) Head: Cowl of Rebellion– 346 – The Deadmines (H) – Vanessa VanCleef Willowy...
Mp/5s is the third stat that any resto druid should look out for. As a resto druid, you will seldom find yourself outside the FSR rule – which means that mp5 (which always works) is a good way to regen mana. The best way to regen mana is in fact MP/5s (but Spirit wins overal...
< Friend Zone > of Darkspear [A] is looking for 1-2 more players to add to our roster. We are 8/8M and raid T/Th/M at 9:30pm-1:00am EST. As a guild we have been around since Cataclysm and will be around until the time WoW dies. If you want more info or to apply pleas...
Hi guys! I have had a lot of requests in and outside the game to finally share some of my druid knowledge with the molten community for some time now. Well I finally got the chance to do so!A little bit about myself: I played retail for 7 years nonstop from vanilla to cataclysm ...
I’ve mostly raided as a rogue competitively in WoW, and raided a bit as a PLD in FFXIV. In WoW, did a bit of raiding in TBC, but mostly did competitively in Wrath and Cataclysm. I’m available in the evenings. On Tues, Wed, and Thurs, I can only go until 11pm EST. On Fri...
Wow. That is a pretty long period of radio silence! It almost feels like my first post all over again! Between not having a lot to say about druid healing, everyone being at the end of an expansion, and other things pre-occupying my mind I guess I just sort of fell into radio ...
Achievements Alliance Allied Races Alts Art Artifact BAST Battle for Azeroth blogging/bloggers Blood Elf Burning Crusade Cataclysm Classic/Vanilla Cloth Covenants Death Knight Demon Hunter Dracthyr Draenei Dragonflight Druid Dwarf Events Evoker Forsaken/Undead Garrisons Gnome Goblin happy dance Holidays Horde...
Tier 5 (Cataclysm): You don’t need any pieces. None of the set bonuses benefit Chain Heal, which is the shaman’s primary heal in raids. The two-piece bonus reduces the cost of your Lesser Healing Wave by 5%. The four-piece bonus is slightly more useful. Whenever you get a crit ...